And she obeyed. Listen, I know God can do the impossible because Ive seen Him do it in my life! In this story, God commands the Israelites to march around the city of Jericho for seven days and then blow their trumpets. I have been praying, declaring Gods promises and even prophecies, but nothing happens. He can save you from your impossible situation today too. Today i went to work with a very heavy heart..and i came across your vlog. Valerie is younger than I am. 1 Corinthians 11:1-34 ESV / 7 helpful votesNot Helpful. And Jesus goes on to say, "Your faith has healed you. The Bible is full of incredible stories about people who needed help in impossible situations and how God came through for them. He focused on age; he gave in to doubts and skepticism. 9. 3. Another example of impossible situations in the Bible is the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Notice that there is nothing mentioned of any unbelief on Elizabeth's part; as far as we know, she never questioned it,LUK 1:23-25, "And it came about, when the days of his priestly service were ended, that he went back home. The story of Zacharias and Elizabeth is not over, but we have already seen some great lessons to live by: 1. The limitations of space and time do not affect supernatural beings. There are several good ways you can respond to the impossible. Gods people saw the fulfillment of a promise. Luke 1:5-25. . Next there is no possible rain that would have filled the world with water above Mt. Then he would step into the holy presence of God, and he would pour the incense upon the altar, which would explode into a cloud of incense and smoke, an aroma for "the nostrils of God." Yes, God delivered Israel, but Yall, God put Israel in the situation to need to be delivered. var mx_flag = false; It would not be uncommon for a man to go through all his years as a priest and never be drawn by lot to enter into the holiest place of all. And if we do, we will not be so surprised when God does something great in our lives. It doesn't just have to be with healing a sickness or a disease but He can do it for anything! His solutions are better than what we could ever devise. Keep in mind, this was in the dead of winter, but the following day, I got dog sick and felt sapped of energy for about a week. $('.gsatelites').append(''); How is it that people actually buy into this like it actually happened? Gospel of Luke and Matthew Please, show me the scientific correlation between hair length and Hulk-levels of strength. And that important thing is driving her to exercise faith. Genesis 18 tells us an unusual story about a time when God appeared personally to Abraham. In theory, anyway. The Bible object lesson teaches about being Born Again and the new life possible in Jesus. His name was John the Baptist. Book of Exodus All thats great, but Yall its another thing to see God fight your impossible situation with your own eyes. No one in those days would have expected God to begin His process of change in the lives of a "senior citizen" couple, a couple who had long since forgotten about being all that significant in God's plan, especially since they lived in the days of Herod, Luk 1:5, "In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a certain priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah; and he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.". Notice the phrase "a certain priest." Will she live to see them graduate? Whatever my need . This one is just patently absurd. When he was only a teenager, David encountered one of the most . The salvation of Zacchaeus. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); For Samsons Magic Hair, Id argue that theres a bit of truth to it. Titus 1:8 NIV. 5. You are at a disadvantage because you adhere to the covenants of Lucifers deception, and have convinced yourself that science is all that is and the bible is not of divine origin. 7 Examples of Hope in the Bible For When Believing Gets Hard How to hope in God and keep believing when we face disappointment, pain, and pressure. I mean, what is God, the Crimson Alchemist. Have you ever read the Bible and just wondered about it? Hope. Romans 8:8 Verse Concepts and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.'" This is the ultimate example of how faith in God can help overcome even the most impossible of situations. Ive been in stress for past 4 months.. Today I give You glory for all the impossible situations Youve fought for me recently. From the Old Testament. Filling your mind with Scripture will keep you focused on God above, and not on the things of this world. It wasnt like the guy was clawing at the door or something. A large crowd followed and pressed around him. }} But that also meant that I spent more time at home around my mom. As we apply Exodus 14:13 I want to look at this from another perspective. Bitchy Madonna's Face: The Elephant in the Room We're Supposed to Ignore Darius Foroux Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your Life Bryan Ye in Better Humans How To Wake Up. God never says Do you have enough? He instead exclaims, Here, take it. We see that being still is about trusting God day by day no matter what situations come at us is the way to grow in faith. But then again, its our ultimate comfort. What were you doing twelve years ago? This is an impossible situation, as it would have been impossible for Jesus to rise from the dead. As Jesus got out of the boat, the demon-possessed man saw him and ran and bowed before him. 3. 12. 1 Corinthians 9:25 NIV. In this passage, God is showing off for His people. I could end this there and that would be that. Faith takes us to Christ with a recognition that we're at the end of ourselves. We can be still and trust Him while we set aside the fear of the impossible things in our lives! Are you kidding me?! The falling of stones from the sky? Things happen in those other dimensions (like the angel of death that passed over in exodus and killed the firstborn), that was initiated in the second heaven. One person stands out in particular. 3. This is an impossible situation, as it would have been impossible for Daniel to survive in the lions den. Don't assume that if the solution has not come in a matter of a few days or a few weeks, that God is saying "no" or "never"; He is simply saying, "not right now." So yeah, God decides to make some dirt together, breathe on it, and make a man. it is the book of Revelation. 6. The categories of "impossibilities" go on and on. But i was praying daily with hope and trust in God.. The story of Abraham, his wife Sarah, and the birth of their son Isaac is a great example of trust in the Lord. Why would we be alive if we could only live to die? Zechariah & Elizabeth: Trusting God when a longing is unfulfilled 3. Nothing is hopeless with the Lord! And yet very often he does not even then learn the lesson: With man it is impossible to serve God and Christ. This is not what the woman was hoping for. Chronic Illness looks impossible to me. This is a promise we can claim, God will fight for you, save you, and deliver you as we stand being still believing God for the impossible. It's obedience. HCSB, ISV, NASB, AM, LEB Verse Concepts Gen 18:14 Tools Is anything impossible for the Lord? Heres the thing parthenogenesis (the term for virgin birth) in humans is possible. Initially, of course, she and her family reeled from the shock. God's Word Is Absolutely and Completely True. It is a part of His nature. Then there is the magic tree with the magic fruit. He does it much more subtly, LUK 1:18-19, "And Zacharias said to the angel, 'How shall I know this for certain? People will always remind us of the limitations, but we must learn to live in the freedom of the future rather than the guilt of the past. Notice the difference. Understand that seeing God move changed things. I assert than nothing ever comes to pass without a cause. Johnathan Edwards I mean, by the storys admission, an angel walks through the town and does the deed. The Israelites were asking God to do the impossible. 7. Psalm 141:3 NIV. Bible verses about to help those who lack self control. 1. The issue is not how to start trusting God, but how to keep trusting God when things look impossible. Jesus says, "Daughter." Doctors throw around the word chronic to cover for the fact that it wont go away. Ask him if he is real in your prayer closet; and seek him with all your heart then he will reveal himself to you. Your health, job situation, and all other problems can never frustrate God and His plan. Who can possibly be that stupid?! A concept that they know nothing about before that. 1 Peter 5:6,7 NIV. At all. Helpful Not Helpful What then shall we say to these things? He realized that power had gone out from him. But Moses said to the people, Do not fear! God is a sovereign God who has the right to say "no," just as He has the sovereign right to say "yes." Here are a few examples of Bible characters to be inspired and comforted by in these challenging times. Today, we do not live in a land where childlessness is a disgrace. Today we will revisit the Israelites at the end of the Red Sea to understand how to be still and set aside our fear when all hope feels lost. "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. If the Christian is wrong at the end of it all, then neither the atheist nor the christian come out a winner. 4. If you ever feel his spirit you would not be able to have the doubt that fills you. Though do tell me how we are seeing so many signs of it because of random things. Earlier this year, Brandon Smith and I launched a new podcast called Word Matters. In this story, Jesus is crucified and buried in a tomb. Abraham and Sarah were both old and past the age of having children. 10) 1 Corinthians 15:57 " But thanks be to God! Pray. 2. In fact, God seems to specialize in surprises, but especially the impossible. So yeah, lots of little holes in there. And what would cause something like that? Ive seen far to many of these debunking the Bible type blogs in my sixteen years on earth and there are always heated arguments following them. Thats right, its in his hair. However, Gideons army is made up of only 300 men. One area was in trusting God to restore my marriage. I can and will trust You to keep Your promises in the future. Isaiah: trusting God through bad news 4. Take away the pain an fear hand restore my life. She was irritable with her husband. 3. His word is not 90% true or 95% true or 99% true. That doesn't mean it drained him of power. Can I prove that the God of the Bible, who is hateful, vengeful and has all the bad qualities of humans and none of these great celestial wisdom that people bestow on him doesnt exist? And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. There was this great quote by Neil DeGrasse Tyson . God restored it to His design (not perfect for sure but on the right track finally)! Be still or be silent, was said when the Israelites were facing an impossible situation. do {if (j + 1 > Math.round(2 * r0 * Math.PI / d) * (nc + 1) * (nc + 2) / 2) {nc++;r = r + r0;cntpc = Math.floor(2 * Math.PI * r / d);}angle = j * 2 * Math.PI / cntpc + Math.PI / 4;x = centerPosition.left + Math.cos(angle) * r;y = + Math.sin(angle) * r; 1) No situation is hopeless! Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. The real icing on the cake, however, is the story of the death of the first-born. And what happens to the person who comes to the end of him- or herself? Strategy #1: Overcome Obstacles by Reading Your Bible. How do you trust God when He seems to be at the heart of the struggle? Related: 33 Powerful Bible Verses About Confidence in Christ. I mean, seriously. And they were not better than you and me-God used them, and He can use you. We read about people falling at the Lord's feet in scripture and perhaps you have the idea that this was an everyday occurrence. You may not be a person of prayer, but this is where most people turn when in foxholes and hospitals. She pursued him. Until Zacharias' wife conceives, carries, and bears the child and he names him John at his circumcision, Zacharias will not speak a word. But yeah, Jesus is told by a woman that her husband is dead. This is the third thing she teaches us. Moses is one of the most prominent figures in the Old Testament. Trusting God when it looks impossible is not a new need. Jesus said that faith as tiny as a mustard seed one of the tiniest seeds on earthcan move mountains (Matthew 17:20). Book of Genesis If you're carrying a heavy burden, have you prayed about itI mean really prayedbefore asking for prayer support? Be Still My Anxious Mind, God Will Fight For You, 33 Powerful Bible Verses About Confidence in Christ, 40 Encouraging Bible Verses About Choices and Making Wise Decisions, My youngest daughter was diagnosed with Autism, 14 Characteristics of a Godly Wife That Will Save Your Marriage, When We Must Trust God To Work Everything Out For Good, 27 Resources to Overcome Pornography From a Real Wife, How to Become a Strong Prayer Warrior and Why, 12 Verses to Pray for Unity in the Church, Let Go Of The Past And Allow God To Redeem The Year -, 40 Day Fast Guide: Be Still and Know God More, How to Fast and Pray In A Way that Pleases God, 10 Biblical Reasons for Marriage That Still Apply Today, Complete Surrender to God Is Hard Without This, 11 Steps to Start Overcoming Pornography Biblically for Life, How To Be a Biblical Wife To an Ungodly Husband, How to Effectively Pray a Proverbs 31 Prayer to Change Your Life, 7 Ways to Begin Walking in the Grace of God Every Day, 3 Signs God is Restoring Your Marriage: Trust in the Lord to Fix my Marriage, If you have the budget for a bit more in a prayer journal I highly recommend the. Faith responds to Christ in obedience. But if this woman had uterine cancer, she would have been in immense pain. Unless Lazarus was a zombie, this is ridiculous. Do I even need to explain this. God was acting justly to deal with the pride of Egypt after God had saved them through Joseph. There is no possible way that a human being could instantly be turned to salt. Hes a woman. There is a best with ten heads and a crown on each head, that eats the baby of a woman. Some of the books are poems/songs and some are letters, which are canonically historical, for example. When God sends those surprises, He has something very special in mind. We experience them every day, in the phone call that comes at just the right time or the verse that speaks to exactly what we need. Download the teachers notes, watch our Children's Message example, and gather your supplies. Moriah 5. And they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both advanced in years. What Does The Bible Say About Hope In Hard Times? To receive God's commendation when facing an impossible situation, she needs to exercise faith. That promise means you can keep trusting God when it looks impossible by being still and setting aside fear. For nothing will be impossible with God!" (Luke 1:36, 37). Trusting God in hopeless situations is easier said than done. The story of Samson is about an insane psychopath who murders the shit out of a ton of people, often in horrific ways. For example: You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. You can. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.". Please pray for my 23 year old daughter, she may have a serious blood disorder I am scared! ". Mark 10:27. It shows the truth about who you are relying on, God, or yourself. He begs God, who decides to break his own dumb rules about the magic power and give Samson back his strength, thereby allowing him to kill everyone there, which is estimated to be over 1,000 people.
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