They just lie and lie and lie some more. Then we have our affiliates, (we have 7), 2 of which are in playable leagues. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from 2nd Nationality. It's only 14 mins long and he deals with 4 slightly different topics and even came up with a conclusion that surprised him, so rather than ignoring it or just blindly accepting it, (he was using quite a small sample size), he actually created a test to work out if the experiment was correct or if his initial assumption had been correct all along. The level at which the playing time is performed. Nationality. We were expecting something close to 32 and we actually got 82, (256% bigger than we expected). Highest CA 95. Head of Youth Development. This latest batch of newgens will lead to boundless optimism or incredible disappointment - or something in between. What happens if I reduce/increase the Youth Recruitment/Junior Coaching both before preview and after? in one of my saves . 14. FM Tips \u0026 tricks, gameplay, wonderkids, tactic replications \u0026 tests, how-to tutorials, experiments \u0026 more. (Basically it's been done to death by people better at it than me and the other thing is I'm just too lazy). It could mean 5 or 6 players expected to feature as key players in the youth team for 2 years. Just because I "think" something doesn't mean that my mind is closed to the idea of me being wrong. The second way it can affect young players is with his Preferred Formation, Tactical Style, Playing Style and 2nd Preferred Formation. Highest CA 118. While they remain completely silent about Biereth. I can neither confirm nor deny that I absolutely 100% completely agree with you,but this isn't about what you "think" or what I "think", it's about what the results tell us. If you look at post 2, you will see that there are 10 different Youth Intake previews. Just like in the real world, it is just not realistic to have potential superstars coming out of your youth system each year. Highest PA167. When you consider that the overall level of the Facilities was 23 compared to 4, this doesn't see like a good investment for this purpose, (but then again, you wouldn't think it would be). If you have any particular area that you would like me to look at then please feel free to mention it. The truth is that you need to think what you want out of them and when you want it by, and then sort of reverse engineer it backwards so that you give them the development that will get them there. What you can have an impact on. Is it 1 potential superstar of 4-5 players who will impact the 1st Team. Youth Development is a massive part of everyone's Football Manager save. More than them staying in my U23 team where they use training facilities and staff I have control over the quality of. Initially I was going to pick a small Nation (to reduce processing time), and then I was going to select a commonly used structure, (England) & a well known club, (Man Utd), (that more people could relate to), but in the end decided to go with the Brazilian structure because quite simply they produce the best Newgens, (due to their high Nation Youth rating and Game Importance). There are things that I can answer now, (and prove), and there are things that I can answer now and I'm unable to prove and there are things that will take more research before a definitive conclusion can be reached but I think you ask some really good questions even if some of them move on a little from the Youth Intake preview/Youth Intake to actual player development, (but I think that's only natural because it's all 1 subject really). I have to admit that i did not know that i am thinking about doing a new Africanos Braganca style save (Cape Verde regens in Portugal) but this time again with Caley Braves (French Regens in Scotland), might post something about that (dynamic youth rating, nationalities etc). Hopefully I will be able to do so at some point in the future. I've got a few ideas rattling around in my head that I want to look at at some point in the future, so I'm going to add them here so that I don't forget them when I come back to this. FM Mythbusting: Youth Intakes Published on 10 April 2020 One of the most exciting days in the Football Manager calendar is the day when your club's youth intake arrives. Something has caught my eye when posting the 1st few results and when it happened again, (but even more pronounced this time), I decided that it wasn't just my brain playing tricks on me so I would mention it and look at it. Maybe you could add something about foreign intakes . Once again I will say before delving into this, that the sample size of 10 intakes we're using here is tiny, but let's just go with it for a minute. Make sure you can take the hit to your balance before you actually upgrade your Youth Facilities. Im mostly done in like year 2040 after real players expire theyre careers. and what seemed strange to me is that the preview with the highest rating of B was still a golden generation, but Preview (with just 1 A rating), wasn't classed as a golden generation. I think you might really get something out of having a little look at my thread and looking at the comparisons between the PPA ratings (the stars), and the actual PA, (the number). This group were so good that they were all asked to train with the senior squad early on and all impressed. What happens if I edit the Affiliations, both before the preview and after? Most of the information was correct but not everything(for example that every wonderkid would go for Portugal and not Cape verde, while i produced three wonderkids and they all became Cape Verde internationals. 3 players at 150+ CA. I have maxed them out completely and given them State of the Art Training Facilities, (and left the others all at 1). Some Lower Division got intake in Late December. Where to start? This should help to show something like lowering the youth facilities reducing the PA of individual players but if your Youth Recruitment is high, you're still getting the same volume of players coming through, and vice versa, do we care about youth recruitment if we're still getting high individual PA players coming through with regularity. 77/153 68/146 69/142 72/157 78/177 83/187 70/146 73/153 67/134 76/155 His PA ranges from 142-187 which according to my basic understanding doesn't fit him into any 1 of the existing ranges. Regarding this, there are two range of dates that the game seems to use: We werent able to determine if geographical location has anything to do with countries being placed in one or another, but knowing the dates should be enough. I appreciate 10 saves is a tiny number, but the truth is I just can't be bothered to do 100, (which would give great info I think). Absolutely nothing is static. Thanks. The member of staff that is responsible for selecting the players to appear in your youth intake, as well as inform you of it, can be configured in the Staff Responsibilities. 18. It should be mentioned at this stage that there is a point after which some if the player info is hard-coded, (the Youth Intake preview), and first of all I'm going to see what is decided then and what is decided at a much later date. It will be interesting to see how that translates to the actual intake itself. RIght? Rather than maxing out the facilities immediately and showing you all the good players that can be produced, instead I have opted to reduce all the Facilities to Level 1 for the 1st experiment and see what sort of players will be produced with minimal "basic" facilities. 6. 11. That's by no means an exhaustive list, but it gives us a starting point. People pretending that they are the big I am simply to get clicks. The accuracy of player judgement from your staff will also come into play, as they do not get to see the exact value of a players potential or current ability. 6. A high PA young player with decent CA is likely to be a decent candidate for staying at the club and playing senior football. Secondary Nation players in other circumstances is something that could be looked at though, especially the relation with staff and affiliates. 17. 8 players at 120+ PA. Now, pick any youth from the first ones generated and you can get yourself some of the best youth players in the world. As a result of this, you will see more 4 and 5 star potential players from your youth team when you are managing in the lower leagues. All attributes, (with the exception of GK rating at this stage), (and that means I have to check the outfield rating for the GK). What makes a good intake? Did you know that you can track the Youth Intake worldwide? 39/64 47/57 39/88 35/63 51/62 48/74 37/108 59/74 39/80 46/84 His PA ranges from 57-108 which again doesn't fit into any single range and actually has to be spread over 4 different ranges. Technically speaking 2 of the MC's can also play SC, we have a 3rd MC, an AML and a GK. (An important distinction). I "think"* what happens now is that the player rates your player against the player at your club best able to play in that position, (and how good he is in that position rather than how good he is in his best position). Height. One of the largest Football Manager Communities/Forums on the internet. 3 players at 150+ PA. What caught my eye previously, but especially in the last results, was how many times the CA or PA ended in a 0, (so 10, 20, 30, 40 etc etc etc). I know this but am unable to provide with you the evidence right now but will later. Something that's important to remember at all times when talking about Youth Intake previews and Youth Intakes themselves is that everything is relative. You can learn more about our editorial policies here. It's also important to remember that these young players are being rated against the CA of your existing players rather than their PA. I will have a look at that at some point. Position. Regens enter your game's database on specific dates throughout the season. Step 1 - How to find FM 2021 regen youth intakes Create a shortlist and name it 'Youth Intake'. I say that with special reference to the fact that we know that the "Youth Intake Preview" is a relatively new addition as a feature, so if they changed that what else have they changed. A high PA young player with low CA is not likely to get 1st team opportunities, (because he's not good enough right now), so he would probably benefit from going out on loan. If you think about France for example, when you think about borders, a Southern based French location should generate more Spanish & Italian Nationalities & 2nd Nationalities, with perhaps more Belgian, Dutch & German being seen further North. The most pressing questions this year concern the impact of Facilities on Intakes and this will be my 1st experiment after I post the base results against which others will be judged. Highest CA 90. Let's say there's a default 1% chance of producing an S tier player for every club. All rights reserved. Highest CA 108. Something that I think a lot of us fall foul of, (especially those of us who play Youth Only saves), is that we start developing a player and we invest maybe 1 or 2 years into him and then someone comes out of the intake 2 years younger than him who has better PA, so we then concentrate on the younger guy and the 1st bloke sort of falls by the wayside. Or would it be possible to get a 200 PA player from just rerolling enough times on YI day? 6 players at 150+ PA. didn't actually see this thread at the time, i think i have mentioned at times on your career thread my ideas on the youth intake. 3. He's found the back of the net on 8,944 occasions and provided a remarkable 2,926 assists - that works out at a direct goal contribution every two games. If you are anything like me, you don't take a huge amount of notice of the Youth Intake preview. Here is a look at Intake 3 from the Control Group. At the moment I'm just sticking a few through just to get it started. Highest PA 178. The video I looked at concerned the impact of (Pro), (Amb), (Det) and Morale on player growth with is pretty relevant to this thread and I really liked it. I'm not sure about the exact amount, but it cost me around $2M every time I upgraded with an Argentine first division club. Highest CA 91. In addition to that, I have decided NOT to game the personality game where you put lots of effort into mentoring players with poor personalities into better personalities. You're dreaming about bringing through a 200 PA striker who will make Erling Haaland look like Yaya Sanogo. 1. 8. This potential group of players is distributed throughout all clubs in the country, with every club getting a chance to produce any combination of the aforementioned players. It used to be that each player was compared against the best player (singular), at your club, but there is a certain amount of folly involved in rating a centre-half who might become quite good at centre-half against a striker who might be a worldclass striker is always going to be a rubbish centre-half. That ties in completely with the preview, (which surprises me a little if I'm honest). What single thing has the biggest impact on the quality of a Youth Intake? We have a centre-mid who likes like a "top prospect" and a winger who looks like a "handy prospect". (Perceived PA). What happens if I edit the Nationality of all staff both before the preview and after? What influences the Nationality & Secondary Nationality of players? But good to see an experiment on it, does the size of town/city and location (ie port) have an effect on FGN nationalties and 2nd nationalities. 16. Deciding who goes in what squad and making sure that there aren't too many players in their position in that squad and that they aren't either too good or not good enough for that squad is tough when you have so many players. In Portugal, (where I have been playing in FM22), the Youth Intake preview appears in December and the Youth Intake itself appears in March, . 5 Ways to Connect Wireless Headphones to TV. Highest CA 94. We know that there are 16 players in a standard intake although this can be increased by the poaching of players from other clubs, (so if you poached 1 player from another Youth Team/Academy then you would get an intake of 17 players, but at this stage I can't remember/confirm what happens if you are the club who has a player poached. Hopefully this will save you the countless hours of browsing it took me to find all that information. Freeze Player Attributes. I love this and will follow the results here with much interest! The level in that Youth Team at the time was ridiculous, (when you think that the likes of Keith Gillespie, Robbie Savage, Chris Casper, Ben Thornley John O'Kane, Kevin Pilkington, Simon Davies, (no, not that one), and a few others that I can't remember), all went on to have decent Pro careers it's absolutely ridiculous. Just to confuse things further, normal order is resumed for Youth Recruitment where Adequate again comes before Average. We know for sure that Game Importance plays a role in your youth intake's potential ability, but we do not know exactly what it does. . 13. The 1st thing to do will work out when the intake it, (it's towards the end of April), create a save before the date of the intake and go from there. Highest CA 118. Best position/role. Bringing through the next generation of world-class stars is one of Football Manager's most appealing features - youth development is a journey that takes time to get right. I take a leaf out of Southampton's book in that they don't just try to develop 1 player, (or even 1 player in each position), they have an absolute conveyor belt of talent that means as soon as 1 player is sold the next 1 just steps in and it's business as usual except for the big pile of cash they've been given. (Nickname and full name). In terms of PA, The L20 Training Facilities performed even more poorly than a pessimist on a downer might have expected. The Football Manager 2023 winter transfer update includes a number of essential changes to the FM23 database. A 10% chance. Developing our youngsters into world beaters brings an almost unparalleled sense of satisfaction, and FM21 gives us more control over the youth development process than ever before. Just go with your gut, because CA and PA lie! The more leagues you include in your database, the more clubs and leagues that will be included by default. Feel free to suggest others, (but no promise that I will get to them). Those of you who are paying attention might notice that when it comes to Training Facilities & Youth Facilities, Adequate comes before Average, but when it comes to Junior Coaching ,the order is reversed and Average comes before Adequate. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to modify this value, outside of editing with the in-game editor and other cheats. Most of us look at CA in terms of the stars, but if you can't develop the player from his low CA starting point to his potential PA then the high PA doesn't really mean anything. i checked this many times and sometimes by doing this you can get a golden generation even when your youth intake preview is bad. I'm sure it's all fine though, but before we ignore it completely, I wonder what the make-up was in terms of how many were CA values that ended in a 0 digit and how many were PA values that ended in a 0 digit? The last true golden generation for Dynamo Kyiv was incidentally also a class of 92-93. Click here to read our list of best youth academies in FM22 and you'll be sure to find yourself a bargain. This is because you are now getting reports from one of your coaches, who might have a different opinion on the players ability compared to the scout. My theory is some of them are poached away Reply DallyTheGreat 1 yr. ago But it is useful to know a country's youth rating for other purposes, such as scouting and nabbing youth players from other clubs. After a short trial period, you will get to decide which newgens will join your academy, and which will have to look for a new club. Though to me it seems to have an air of self fulfilling prophecy about it. I've actually found it really challenging trying to manage the different squads in this save. Football Manager 2022 - Youth Intake Guide, How Youth Recruitment Affects Youth Intake, Free-transferrable Players (by 2021) Shortlist. PCA. This guide will give you some tips to improve your yearly youth intake in Football Manager. This was how it had been explained and this is how we understood it to work. Thanks very much @the_hdkGlad you're enjoying it. But the level of potential in their youth teams is seriously astounding. Which I doubt had that much of an impact on his career. On the day of the youth intake, your newgens could be between the ages of 14 and 16, with varying levels of current ability and potential ability. 8. Total intake is result of two division's intake. Youth Recruitment is a club's network of information and ability to recruit young prospects. For that you have to look at where this info comes from.. To start off with you have to check which staff member has been allocated responsibility in this area, (and change it if needed). What happens if I edit the Youth Rating, both before the preview and after? For example I'm sure there are absolutely LOADS of people who are unaware that Average/Adequate on Junior Coaching is the wrong way round. 2. I'm not sure that Geographic location will be used like this, but then again it seems pretty reasonable. We have continued on from the initial Youth Intake preview to the full Youth Intake Day, and now we have gone back to the previous day 9 times to give us 10 different intakes all from the same preview. When we're looking at the CA and PA of players, every CA and every PA must end in either a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10, (even if they are single digit numbers). I have continued on from the initial Youth Intake preview that had 1x GK and 2x SC's as "A" talents and 1x MC and 1x winger as "B" talents. I found a lot of information before i started in a few youth intake topics . By playing him "up" at a level before he's actually ready, I have advanced his development.
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