Since the natives who lived in the area of the mounds were no longer building them when Europeans first arrived in Wisconsin, it was assumed that some lost culture, or race, had to have been responsible. MAPLE CREEK, Wis., Dec 19 One of the three recently discovered mounds in this town has been opened. We know there are hoaxes (such as the picture above) about giants. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. more likely Alien breeding and then survive of the fittest. Giant Skeleton Unearthed By Wisconsin Farmers in 1912 November 16, 2014 / in From the Grave / by J Nathan Couch The following is an excerpt from J. Nathan Couchs book Washington County Paranormal, which details the local history and legends of West Bend, WI and surrounding areas. The Lake Delavan find of May 1912 was only one of dozens and dozens of similar finds that were reported in local newspapers from 1851 forward to the present day. I wouldnt be surprised why sicientists and scholars are hiding the truth about these so-called giants. If its genuine, then it should be credited. For example, a 65 feet high dinosaur recently found in Argentina, dating back to the cretacious period. These giant people were also known as the mound builders. The reason why I am bringing up giants will all tie into politics, and word happenings. A New York Times article published December 20, 1897 reported the discovery of a giant human skeleton in the largest of three recently discovered mounds in Maple Creek, WI. In 1897, 15 years before the Lake Delavan Giant Skeletons were discovered, The New York Times published a very brief section in their newspaper released on December 20th about a large skeleton found in a mound. Ah. Mohammed was a dolt, and his words in the Quran and Haddith, etc., are a condemning testimony to his insanity, depravity, and stupidity. It seems that the majority of people just do not believe in this type of thing, because it sounds like complete nonsense. GIANT SKELETONS The January 13th, 1870 edition of the Wisconsin Decatur Republican reported that two giant, well-preserved skeletons of an unknown race were discovered near Potosi, WI by workers digging the foundation of a saw mill near the bank of the Mississippi river. (Come on Bana, dont tell me you want to claim a fake picture)? Giant Skeletons If anything a de-evolution. The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars.. Its fun to speculate but there has never been one documentation of an accredited archaelogist finding any skull, large or small, with a double row of teeth. And naturally, thanks to your effort! The Observations from Skeletons. Probably not. The individual human psyche does not handle that aspect well. Biologically and structurally carrying sperm for the entire human race. Giant skulls and skeletons of a race of Goliaths have been found on a very regular basis throughout the Midwestern states for more than 100 years. Well, have you seen the leprechaun skeletons? For proof one only needs to actually read the national geographic article in its entirety. FROM WHERE are you getting this information? Hundreds of centuries ago mens sperm strength was shown by being reduced to powder when dry, unlike the weaker sperm of today drying to form a stain. Are you deliberately lie to the world here? Have you ever even read it? (And sadly, people are still falling for it.) There is a wonderful exhibit, for example, at the Aztalan State Park where one may see the skeleton of a Princess of Aztalan in the museum. Nobody is suggesting infallibility, but without actual evidence why believe in Giants and not believe in a race of 2 inch tall humans, or vampires, or leprechauns, or flying monkeys, or angels? this picture was found around yemen-oman-jordan area, i wont be specific, because im simply not sure, the saudi government has closed down the area, i dunno why. What is your source from making such a claim? lets run some DNA tests and carbon14 lol. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These skeletons had two rows of teeth. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Giant Skeletons however ther was once mighty giants that ruled the earth over 6,000 years ago. However, the long record of anomalous finds like those at Lake Delavan suggests otherwise. Fake. And I mean more than just on the internet. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. However photographs have been taken to record the finds as the picture with this article shows. The strange story of Mary Reeser Spontaneous Human Combustion. GOD is still real whether or not anyone believe in Him or not. One eye socket. On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. I assume that the doubters are bible skeptics. I saw it and it was real. More about this can be found in Washington County Paranormal: A Wisconsin Legend More about this can be found in Washington County Paranormal: A Wisconsin Legend Trip by local author and investigator J. Nathan Couch. Required fields are marked *. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". And your proof for people in the past being taller than present people would be .. what? Animal genes were also reduced same way. Explains in detail these events and the world at that time period and all the events and evil brought about and the ways in which the fallen ones lead man astray. The real giant skeletons of lake delevan Wisconsin. Giants in history are typically cannibalistic in nature. Giant Skeleton Unearthed By Wisconsin Farmers in 1912 November 16, 2014 / in From the Grave / by J Nathan Couch The following is an excerpt from J. Nathan Couchs book Washington County Paranormal, which details the local history and legends of West Bend, WI and surrounding areas. Have a great day people and all ETs. But whatever, enjoy your delusions of being all knowing. The heads of these giants were much bigger than the heads of a normal human being. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. WebIn this video we take a look at the giants that were unearthed in Wisconsin in 1912. Sounds like the same beast. all i know is that Almighty is Great, and many nations have come before us, holding their arrogance higher than appreciating the Almighty, and therefore they were destroyed. The Real Giant Skeletons Of Wisconsin Congrats! Specially seeing that the evidence is only based on 3 things internet rumors, digitally enhanced photos, and obvious yellow journalism. One had recently been opened. Interestingly, the area where the Giant skeletons were found is known for giant-sized skeletons which do not seem to correspond to the characteristics of ordinary people or natives to the area. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. At the time, an installation constructed by the Milwaukee Public Museum provided a window into one mound, showing the bones and artifacts as they were originally buried. No, you are wrong. It goes on to say that other remains, presumably of women, were found with smaller heads but similar characteristics. Proof lies in the photos, none of the shadows match up, most of the time its the same Skull depicted in more than one photo, and you can see things missing like one famous Giant dig site were you can clearly see a man holding a shovel handle with no shovel head. There is proof all over the world of giant skeletal mounds! A giant skeleton was unearthed outside of West Bend near Lizard Mound County Park and assembled by local farmers to a height of eight feet. Because there have been enough people reporting their find in newspapers for 140+ years and all of these reports cant be fake there was something found that caused these museums to get them and keep them from sight and youre among the people who will believe everything these so called experts tell you, we are being lied to for a reason there is no reason that giants couldnt have lived thousands of years ago but if youre like some people who will only believe what is told to you by these experts then there is nothing that will change your opinion and I respect that but someday someone will have enough of this coverup and release the proof . The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. Is this satire? The skeletons of some Mound Builders are certainly on display. Thats just plain false. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Their heights ranged between seven and nine feet and their skulls presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America to-day., Above the eye sockets, the head slopes straight back and the nasal bones protrude far above the cheek bones. Sounds more like a dinosaur than a human, now doesnt it? 13:33; Deut.2:11 and this is actual over any book. Your email address will not be published. This isnt the most obvious example of a shopped image of all time, but with a small amount of investigation it is very obvious. Specifically, the Smithsonian Institution has been accused of making a deliberate effort to hide the telling of the bones and to keep the giant skeletons locked away. Has there been a giant cover-up? A giant skeleton was unearthed outside of West Bend near Lizard Mound County Park and assembled by local farmers to a height of eight feet. The heads of these giants were much bigger than the heads of a normal human being. Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser Saturday 23 January 1869 because you get a kick out of making fun of people like myself who do believe and do not like the black and white world of skeptics and naysayers most likely you also do not believe in UFOs as millions of people who do and countless thousands have seen them professional as well as military and astronauts have also seen them. The Greatest Smithsonian Cover up: The Giant Skeletons Austin, Im a Bible-believing Christian. Absolutely untrue! You will not find it in the science bible since it is being written as you discover things which has been explained in the Bible thousands of years ago. took it to study it,it never came back.i Archeologist have been finding these giant bones Welcome Guest, RegisterOr Sign In Videos Aliens And Ufos Alien Abductions Anunnaki Area 51 Crop Circles Everything Else Alien Phoenix Lights Reptilians Roswell Starchild Skull The . Also known as the Sumerian Gods said to make the humans on earth by mixing there da with neanderthals use man as slaves they left and gave us the planet after they was done with the mineing, Genesis 6: The answer is no. A mouse, scaled proportionately to the size of an elephant, would be unable to walk. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. But whoever made this one is probably still laughing. If the sun were to the left, the shadow of the man would be to the right and we would also see the shadow from the skeleton laying in the back of its head, but we dont. I know there are a lot of people that dont believe in extraterrestrial life. But Im sure Ill be waiting, and waiting, and waiting (like so many others) for such evidence. Youre a filthy human who picks her own arse. you sh*thead, are seeing darker coloured dirth, the only shadow projected that can really be seen is the beneath the hip on left. Jim Vieira parrots old newspaper articles. In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. SOME FINELY TEMPERED RODS OF COPPER AND OTHER RELICS WERE LYING NEAR THE BONES.. It seems in most peoples opinion do to the fear that people would question evolution . If the media of the time is to be believed, Wisconsin has yielded several unique and significant clues to the giant skeleton mystery. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Besides who in this day in time cant tell that evolution is the biggest hoax of them all. Youre nonsense. This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to anyone, but government officials. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. This door and the contents of its vault are virtually sealed off to anyone, but government officials. Specifically, the Smithsonian Institution has been accused of making a deliberate effort to hide the telling of the bones and to keep the giant skeletons locked away. Have you evidence there werent real ones ? I am sending it to a few buddies ans also sharing in delicious. The mystery behind the 18 Giant skeletons found in Wisconsin, Teslas Time Travel Experiment: I could see the past, present and future all at the same time, The Great Pyramid of Giza consists of a staggering 2.3 million blocks, Opening Up a Can of Wormholes into Unexplained Phenomena, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson doesnt believe Trumps answers about UFOs, Ancient Sumerian Texts: Ancient Clay Tablets reveal secrets about Alien life, Scientists On How Trees Talk Through an Ancient Otherworld Network, Here Are 17 Things You Should Know About Teotihuacan: Place Where Gods Were Born. From where are you getting these notions of scientists covering up the discoveries of giant skeletons? The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. These discoveries are being hushed because it proves bible prophecy (genesis chapter 6) and disproves the lie of evilution. A giant skeleton was unearthed outside of West Bend near Lizard Mound County Park and assembled by local farmers to a height of eight feet. i am informed, normal fired clay bowls will not do. They cover for reasons stop letting them fool youu! I dont believe in evolution. Learned, understood death, toolsfood source.crops?. The shadow is under its hip, and its a huge excavation site. It was not even the first set of giant skeletons found in Wisconsin. Just asking.. what does religion have anything to with it, the ancient greeks mention them also, so do we have to believe in zeus?
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