This article is for everyone interested in GuruShots, who played the game or would like to start playing. The feature allows you to swap one photo with another at $0.99. 2. In this case, you level up by earning points and getting noticed by the photographer, and receiving specific awards. GuruShots wont add watermarks to the uploaded photos in an attempt to claim ownership in any way. Im currently at GURU level with less than 500K points. Once youve reached maximum amount of votes possible voting on your picture have ended and you are in # 1 position (you may need several swaps and fills to get there) swap your picture out of the contest. The context of the conversation was that I had good images and they wanted me to join the team and win more comps. No, this app is legit. I declined because I got the vibe that they were recruiting players. 1. iPhone Photography Awards. Be picky when selecting photos for a challenge. It's amazing to contrast swaps this way, each photo getting the same views and perhaps 300 voters voting for them, but the latter one is well over 2000 votes while the early one is not even 1600 votes. The person that made the negative comments above seems very bitter and negative. Get 150000 Points 2. This guide is based on my gaming experience1 after returning to the well-known photography game, GuruShots, after a very long pause away from it2,3,4. Generally speaking, for me at least, I perform better in very specific challenge themes. Suppose the photo gets to the top, swap 12 hours and 6 hours before the four photo challenges and six a single photo challenge, respectively. Your voting power increases with every level. Vote on other players' photos, collect votes and see how you rank compared to others. Whe a challenge closes, you get to see your score. Exposure Bonus depletion seems faster than it used to be. Hi Strelok, thanks for sharing your experience. (Image: Atalaya Castle, Huntington Beach State Park, South Carolina; All images are the original photography of the author. I've noticed that there are a flood of really good photos submitted near the end of most challenges, which implies that the higher ranked photographers who offer more points aren't voting until later in the challenge. Im not done with this guide yet. Month view lets you see all the days of the month and then add the times on the right. It was the only way for the game to grow on a larger scale. Consumers complaining about Gurushots most frequently mention several times problems.Gurushots ranks 25th among Photography Forum sites. READ THE CHALLENGE GUIDELINES before submitting your images. On one challenge, Combine a Swap (change a picture with less votes) with a Fill (maximum views). If your picture gets selected, you earn 50 votes just for this and you increase your achievements as it takes five Guru picks to become a Guru. Again it rose up to just over 1300 votes and promptly stopped. Some players of GuruShots want to beat the game8. For long-lasting challenges, enter in the last 24 hours. This is expected as many people rush to vote at the last minutes. If you want to see my profile, follow this link. GuruShots is built with Angular JS and the way it's made had to do with this issue. Still on the subject of notifications: expect a lot of promotional popups while using the games website or the smartphone application. Gurushots has invented a new smart way to involve people : they create Events twice a week, like contests of contests in small groups, involving 100 photographers of the same level at a time.. After a bunch of them where I finished 1st 2nd or 3rd, here's what I found : When an Event stops, stop (or slow down) posting pictures in the new challenges, keep them to get fast points at the . To win a challeges you need to swap and hide your top photo and swap back the last 3mins before the ending. Find Out if You Need To Bring an ID to Vote. I left the game several years back. We have thousands of Gurus and users who rely exclusively on free and earned resources. Its like walking into a casino, where the dice are loaded and all the games are rigged. Of course there could be even more lower level users joining then as well, it's hard to tell. Its not. ==> Click here to SUBSCRIBE to my new channel for video-based content! The site preserves users right to maintain ownership of their photos. You see, people get bored pretty easily, the turnover must be high to keep the interest high. What is the best time to boost in GuruShots? GuruShots is a newly launched service that turns photography into a game with a real-time online photo competition system. They dont have any photographs worth mentioning. If a photo doesnt perform well, youll be able to swap for another one. I joined exactly 2 hr before close. Generally: Guru Picks = Early, High Votes = last 4-6 hours of a speed contest. 1. Yes, GuruShots is a free app to download. When you dont have one, youll need to buy one. It is much harder to compete in generic themes as you compete against everyone. Teams can challenge each other. Also, the app does not require any sort of membership fees to use. I have tried facebook login, my email login. This is according to federal law. Its an incredibly small greedy group of people who are after you hard earned money. It is a fantastic way to get your 'photographic' feet wet. As I won the first challenge as a Newbie and I got the Gurus Top Pick Winner on the second day the biggest challenges were already made. It is built on the premise that contestants have to pay to win. Gurushots actually has a discussion page that explains the exposure and how it works. It is worth keeping in mind that a click from a Master is worth 8 votes verses a click from Rookie which only gets the photograph 2 votes. So it is good to get Masters, or players higher up the skill level ranking, to like and vote for your picture(s). Pick a competition, upload your photo and share your entry to grow your votes. This post assumes you already know the basics of using Gurushots, so things like swaps and auto-fills will not be explained here. That said, good photos do tend to be up there in the top 50, it's just that there's often a bunch of not so great shots there too. Other than Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, as well as other various other social media platforms, I have found these particular photography communities to be extremely beneficial to me as a . Click To Tweet. Go for one photo challeges and entre 3hrs before ending. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But what I think really counts is when people with highest voting power vote (it's better to have 1 guru vote than 3 newbies) and this is towards the end of the challenge. . Just try searching on Google by entering the word GuruShots and wait for keywords suggestions. Hi NC, just found your blog, most interesting reading material! By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Speaking of running challenges: I still have seven challenges waiting in the review queue after more than a year (read my article about how challenges are created here). In the Georgia primaries in June, predominantly black areas had an average wait time of 51 minutes. I will be gratefull for the answer. When you swap in a new image to replace an existing one, the new image gets an exposure bonus to make sure it gets as much exposure as your other photos already have. Thanks for sharing, Bilstar! I always make sure to market this as well on my social media and website. Lets see why Im being so severe here. If you have Fills available, use them when you enter a challenge and see quickly how your photos are performing. You get to meet new people and can chat with them. I led up until 2 minutes remaining, then someone took me over. Voting for our Best of Nac opens this weekend and will continue through 5 p.m. March 27. If you decide to enter early in a challenge is because you may just love to browse (and vote) for great pictures! Level requirements can change from one challenge to the other. There are not only important for you to progress in the game, but they are also an indication of the Gurus taste. As your team wins, members receive rewards like fills and swaps. The free boost only unlocks for members who have joined the challenge before 25% of the challenge time has erupted or before the first 24 hours have ended. I enter most challenges at the beginning. Want to update or remove your response? The question is: why would anyone want to do all that? Youll save time and be able to do other things in your life, like reading my blog. I'm stuck on veteran because i can't get top 20% or any guru picks and I'm wondering if you guys have noticed entering as soon as it opens or maybe 1 or 2 days before the contest ends is best? GuruShots has partnered with big brands like Adobe, Kodak, B&H, Adorama, Polaroid, and Skylum. Note - The Fill does not automatically vote for random photos, it simply fills up your exposure meter. The key to success in Gurushots isn't a mystery, it's simply about getting more votes. Use them in the last hours of the challenge. Vince Palleschi. Winning the public vote requires you to have impeccable timing and knowledge about how the current implementation of the Gurushots system works. A Quick Overview of GuruShots . In a 4 photo Challenge you have the choice to choose one photo per Challenge and give it a boost.. For this you will use a key. Viral Vote is a free photo competition with real cash prizes! Choosing when you vote (or use auto-fill) is the key to maximizing your exposure level to get more votes . and over time people vote on it and it has now 312 votes. Youll also have answer to your question: Is GuruShots worth it? One of the biggest questions that users seem to have about using Gurushots is how to get more votes for the images they submit to various photo challenges. Its really awsome, thank you! Everything in your article is easily found on the site if people are willing to read. If you want to move up in the leaderboard, you have to participate in many challenges at any given time. In the first article How to Become a Guru at the GuruShots Game I described how to create your photographer profile, how to enter challenges and play. It does not keep the 'Exposure Meter' up for the entire challenge. Thus, I have accumulated quite a few earned swaps (I never buy swaps, fills, and boosts) without having shots performing sufficiently poorly for me to want to swap. When you click on a specific challenge, you can see how you rank compared to other artists. GuruShots is free to download the app. Is GuruShots a con? No matter what i do, guru decides. I am going to stop playing this game. The last thing you can do to make sure you get the most votes possible on Gurushots is the most important thing. best time to vote on gurushots. If you want to see the game in action, head to my Vimeo page. fernywood 4 yr. ago. Boosts are locked throughout the challenge and unlock in a random window of time once during the challenge. You can leave a team at any time (or being kicked out by team leaders). So it doesnt seem possible for a photo to come in late and come into the top spot from nowhere. There are actually a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting more votes for your photographs. So far, the reviews are mixed some hate it now, some love it. Apply to many contests 2. Your response will then appear (possibly after moderation) on this page. The Bordeaux Library saw . Note - The Fill does not automatically vote for random photos, it simply fills up your exposure meter. The more one-photo challenges you join, the more time it will take to keep your exposure level up. The Fill allows you to skip voting by automatically filling your ' Exposure Meter ' in all of the challenges you are participating in. It is a money laundering scheme for Russian Israeli mafia. I know it is all about timing, so I am asking for the precise time! Wait. These will allow your photos to get noticed, resulting in more votes in the competition. GuruShots wants engagement at all costs. A good photo has factor 3. While the highest number of users are between 20 and 40 years, some are in their 60s using this website. Have you joined GuruShots with the sole intention of winning big? My advice would be to go through the top 100 photos in a challenge you like, then try to work out how to do something similar. Press J to jump to the feed. But this might help if your pictures isnt performing as expected. Part II coming up this week where Ill explain, mathematically, how much time you can expect to spend on GuruShots if you want to thrive. One question. What you write is nothing similar. The purpose of this site is for photographers to compete against each other on different subjects. Utilize your auto-fill feature during the day when competitors are looking at voting on photos on the platform. As the competition is running, the guru pro creator will select a few of the best pictures. You really need to spend some time (again!) Late morning and mid-afternoon will be the easiest times to get in, but if you need to go later, don't let long lines scare you off; as long as you're in line when the polls close, you will be . The depletion of exposure bonus is faster than it used to be to maximize users engagement with the platform. Im currently working on a major new and updated article on the Gurushot game. Its another trick to maximize players engagement. This game is so twisted in its conception; it is mind-blowing. You only need one image to get the most votes and you win the competition even if all their images in that comp are below standard. If you don't know what Gurushots is and how it works, then I would recommend spending a bit of time reading the . From full to empty level it will take about 12-24 hours, and it varies across challenges (four-photos challenges take longer than only one-photo challenges). That bing said, there are obvious conclusions that we can infer from this game on which many players would agree on. *. These events can last more than 60 hours. 6) Check the progress of the score until it stabilizes, at which point it checks the progress of the score. Blogging about things related to Apple, photography, Privacy and Climate Change. You can do it with Facebook, Instagram, or just create an account. However by then the leading images have usually already scored a couple of thousand votes so it is impossible to catch them up or overtake! Thats a positive change. Don't use the daily free boosts. Dont give them any. Here is a bit of advice regarding Gurus pick. Thanks for the Tips. Get 'All Stars' 3. Other features like fill can assist in filling up your exposure level. Once registered on Gurushots you will have the status "Newbie", the goal of the game will be to pass GURU with good results on the challenges but for that you will need (a lot) of time (there are 9 ranks) and beautiful pictures ! Running a challenge requires attention from the guru behind them, so they needed to scale and extend the game by naming other gurus10. Its a trick, so you feel the need to spend more time in voting sessions13. If you want to use one of your Boost, wait when the photos dont get any more votes for a while. Also make sure to join our Community Discord server: The voting view is the number of times a photo has been viewed in a specific challenge. I would say Its a get hooked any spend nothing big win a lot lottery..with all get hooked tips&tricks.nothing more nothing less.if U a borred, and have some spare money go for it . What this means is that you need to use your voting power or auto-fill at times of the day when the most users are likely going to be looking at and voting on images in the Gurushots photo challenges. I do have a challenge waiting in review called Rusty places which never passed the review process. There is a leaderboard showing your position. Meanwhile, dont miss the original guide published in 2018 which is still good for beginners. Get Guru Picks Some tips to get there: 1. To do this you need to get your photographs seen by as many players as possible and make them stand out. I had one in my group and as soon as I reported them, their profile was deleted. They are a type of Leaderboard that ranks Teams using Team Score in a predetermined period of time, a Season. This game is about having fun. In two minutes 101 people took over me and I didnt even break the top 100 photos. Ensure the subject is in good focus. Update or delete your post and re-enter your post's URL again. Once you have obtained Guru status (you must, among other things, win a contest to obtain it) you . Get 5 Guru Picks Some tips to get there: 1. These tips should help that happen. Michael Zhang. The easiest way to get your exposure meter filled without spending ten minutes per contest per 12 hours is to just vote for everything as fast as you can . The summary of new features cover more than a year of game evolution and tweaked game play. So how do some images get up as high as a couple of thousand? You should see your exposure meter fill to max high! The problem is that voting takes time. This type of pyramid scam in the US would earn them hefty jail terms instead of 3.5 million dollars of yearly revenue (thats for the company of about 10 people). Over the past six months that Ive been using Gurushots, I have seen countless photos that either comply with the challenge in the barest terms, or not at all. 1. The theme focused challenges attract a more defined crowd. If you've connected your calendar you'll be . Respect the theme. Here is what I found out5,6. You can create your team or join an existing one. Once the competition you have entered starts voting, you can not change your image. The reasoning behind this is that the Gurus and higher leveled players tend to vote in the last hour and that is when you maximise your votes per view count. Remember that the more you vote, the higher score you give to your competitors, so it seems better to vote as little as possible by joining late. Extremely fair system . While many challenges ask for images that arent exactly worthy of framing and hanging in a gallery somewhere, there are several challenges that do ask for great photography. Dont remove anything except the location. This is necessary to prevent a last-minute participant to climb the top of the ranking at the last minute. But, if the challenge is in the locked state, youll need a key to unlock it and enter the challenge. Finally, for the contest creators And has also nothing to do with time in challenge. Its really given me a platform to showcase my photography and Ive been displayed in multiple photography galleries and magazines because of GuruShots. Start it near the end. Interesting math: for any given challenge youre in, dividing the current number of points by the number of voters (use the notifications drop-down menu on the website to see how many voters youve got), you get the average voting power of the voters15. To calculate the factor, here is the formula Factor = POINTS / (Total_visitors -initial_visitors) 7) Respecting the times indicated . Its definitely not something that you can find in Google lol. None others than the ones already on the blog post Im afraid, Thank you for your much appreciated tips and tricks! In week view, you can add the time slots directly to the calendar. You dont have to think be creative, original, master the technique when deciding which of your photos you upload on your profile. Great blog and really interesting read, I just joined a 10hr People on the beach challenge, 1hr 45mins to go.. entered an average photo (at best) and tried out the voting theory, to my surprise my very average photo got to 1090 votes and Elite level in about 20mins. Add four photos, wait a half an hour to see which is getting the most votes. Mine is The main reason for leaving the game the first time was that I noticed I was spending too much money to play the game. While participating in a challenge, you receive a level depending on the number of votes your photo receives. Your email address will not be published. Using GuruShots. Try Doodle's online voting system - it's easy to use. Deadline: March 31, 2023; Grand Prize: iPad Air; 1st Place Prize: 1 gold bar and Apple Watch Series 3; 2nd Place Prize: 1 platinum bar and Apple Watch Series 3 Again, maximize user engagement. In a four-photos challenge, starting with four photos is not always the best strategy. Verdict: Gurushots is a photo app that connects and unites photographers from all over the world since 2014. I reached the Guru Status after just 12 days. There is a maximum of 20 members in a team. Head over to; click VOTE on your desired challenge. You can find a useful FAQ on Reddit about Gurus picks. Justuseapp Safety Score for GuruShots - Photography Is 60.6/100. No worries if you cant answer. And then, the first day I started to follow your tips I received my first Gurus Pick and became a Champion. was founded in 2010. . At some point, your photos wont get more votes for many hours if your exposure level is at the maximum, then this means your photos wont really get new votes. Personally, I do put all four photos in one shot. Vote for others! Thus, the best time to use the boost is to join during the stated period and swap a lot. hi all after the fix on this issue : #10 people was happy that it is working again and few say it is joining challenges automatically , I didn't notice about this because I am join all the chal. This way seems to get you much more votes all along the process. I have spent money on this game but I am not going to play it anymore. One clarification, you do not need a key to join late in a challenge if you join from within a team participating in a match using that challenge. Are you looking for an online space where you can gauge your photography artwork skills with another artist for fun? But a lot of folks actually DO enjoy this game-like social platform, and its a great way for beginners and enthusiasts to improve their photography skills. Second thing: I had a team (one that wins consistently) ask me to join them. It is similar to Instagram but lacks bio information and a website. As a reader, you have an opportunity to get the Creative Photography Cookbook for 80% OFF. Team leaders want active players otherwise they will kick them out of the team. That is ok! By the time they figure out the algorithms and win (if they are smart and lucky enough), they would have wasted A LOT of money and time. Would you like us to create an actual GuruShots review or does this FAQ page suffice? I noticed that watermarks are not favourite for Guru picks, which of course is understandable. "Shoot to play with Viral Vote, THE photo competition app where everyone has a chance to win. My goal here is to help other players benefit from my experience in a way that let them better understand the implications that come with playing and being successful at GuruShots. Sorry to hear about that. Thanks again. Chat with other members and track your team score in real-time. Youll see lots of photos, the best ranking ones are the themes best representation of the theme. This time, I want to give you the best tips and tricks on playing the game. With voter turnout already showing an increase over previous elections, and with concerns over mail-in voting, voters can expect to see long lines. First-time voters who did not register in person or show ID before must show identification. My main objective is to create a valuable resource for photography enthusiasts with honest tech reviews, course recommendations, and how-to tutorials.
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