Lolo married Ann Dunham in 1970. Treason doesn't pay well in the end. He was the 44th President of the United States. The meeting coordinated arms smuggling activities that would mushroom into Bouts full-scale smuggling empire after the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. The CIA, to this day has an estimated annual gross haul of $1 Billion in heroin profits. So when George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford Administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business Lolo Soetoro and pulled off the hits. Moors Flag. Custer Battles, Inc., a USAID contractor, was formed by former US Army Ranger Mike Battles and Scott Custer from a firm called Blue Sky. If it werent for corruption those agencies wouldnt exist, they are nothing BUT corruption from top to bottom. .and Lolo Soetaro had been internationally executive vice president for Standard Oil. Conexes com Barack Obama. The only thing that amazes me anymore is realizing just how pervasive and deep the corruption in the Federal Government goes. Discover short videos related to Lolo soetoro on TikTok. lest we forget, at least an over the shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical; from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is known where mythology leaves off and history begins, or which is which?) Lolo Soetoro , also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo[2][3] or Mangundikardjo,[4] was an Indonesian man who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. Photos & Memories (2) Do you know this person? For Gods sake, he ADMITTED spying on the US Senate. Inflation Revisited Less is More MPs Misinformation? He attended Punahou School, a private college preparatory school. In 1999, Croatian media reported that USAID was working through various NGOs, some connected to Soros, to oust the ailing Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. The Bank of International Settlements is primarily a huge drug money laundering operation. ITS FUKKIN OVER For this last year, 2018, they reported it as 570-plus million dollars, and thats after all of deductions, tax right Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies. The question should be what does the fraud and usurper aka barack hussein obama have on Chief Justice John Roberts because he is the one who swore berry soetoro aka barack hussein obam into office TWICE ! Other USAID funds for Zaire were diverted to help the Angolan rebel forces of UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi, in violation of U.S. law prohibiting aid to Angolan rebel groups. In 1998, USAID participated in a closed-door meeting between major oil companies andthe CIA, National Security Council, and three State Department officials, Stuart Eisenstat, Thomas Pickering, and Susan Rice (now Obamas ambassador to the UN) . They work very actively. Akayeva said there were rumors in Kyrgyzstan that the U.S.-backed coup plotters distributed narcotics to rioters who participated in the coup. He married Stanley Ann Dunham on 15 March 1965, in Hawaii, United States. Recently, Reynolds was arrested in Zimbabwe for allegedly making pornographic movies with underage performers. (WMR)The recent disclosure by the Associated Press that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), a notorious nexus for contract fraud within the State Department, contracted out a project to develop a rival to Twitter in order to foment rebellion in Cuba has refocused attention on USAIDs long history of acting as a contract vehicle for various CIA covert activities. There will be no mistakes HILLARY is dead.. if a segment is aired Ayers writes for a grant application of $49 million and matching donors increased this amount. I would be fine with that. Decades of war. In Haiti, USAID, acting at the behest of the CIA, funded political opposition to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ousted in CIA-backed coups in 1991 and2004. Obama later went on to meet very wealthy Muslim elites whilst in college, some who had come to study from Karachi, Pakistan. These people are worried because the things they did had ZERO to do with the actual safety and security of American Citizens and everything to do with spying on us, spying on allies, meddling in other countries elections, lying about WMDs, meddling in our elections, and spying on an incoming administration. the first radical know to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so efficiently that he at least won his own kingdom- Lucifer. The media are all part of the government and the Deep State IS the government. @DevinNunes is a bad ass and Kash worked for him. Lolo Soetoro (EYD: Lolo Sutoro; Javanese: [ll sutr]; 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, was an Indonesian man who was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. Why the farmers are revolting in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe. Let this be our last warning! And his(?) Our new acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. The CIA-linked Asia Foundation, which worked closely with the CIA-funded East-West Center at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, where Obama's mother met her second husband, General Suharto's colonel, Lolo Soetoro, was linked closely to USAID covert programs in Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, Palau, Malaysia, and . The truck that struck their automobile was bought with USAID funds and bore a U.S. embassy license plate. Sounds like Don plans on staying in the WH. Judge Brown continued. Pawns of the Machine: From Cradle to Grave? Note that they never bash Obama or Biden, only Trump. Lolo Soetoro in 1971. The more politically active black studentsthe Marxist professors and structural feminists. Im not even sure how to characterize myself politically. This was all done with a little digging, it really didnt take much at all. Not to mention whatever else bullshit they cover up for Senators and Reps. One of the most glaringly illegal things the CIA every did, in my opinion, which not only affected another country by this one as well, was importing cocaine and allowing it to be distributed to millions as the more addictive form of crack, all to fund a two-bit war in a two-bit country. Judge Brown said when Lolo Soetoro (1935-1987) died he left a trust fund in Indonesia with three equal beneficiaries, Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro and his two siblings. Some 40,000 ZunZuneo users in Cuba mistakenly believed their messages were private, when, in fact, they were recorded by USAID, which likely turned them over to the National Security Agency (NSA) for analysis and database archival. Similarly, during the Reagan administration, USAID money was funneled through the National Endowment for Democracy to the Nicaraguan contras, again in violation of a specific law prohibiting such assistance. not mine and she understands that is the condition to live in my home. So she introduced her daughter, who had just had Barry/Barack, to Lolo Soetoro and they got married and Lolo Soetoro adopted Barack Obama. + Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle) = CIA ops Take over the Middle East, and make yourself rich? Butterfield & Son Ltd. in Grand Cayman, as well as another folding tent firm based in the United Kingdom with a subsidiary in Barcelona, Spain to hide USAID as a funding source for ZunZuneo. Lolo Soetoro ( 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), otherwise called Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, of Indonesia, was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. The pair met while studying at the University of Hawaii. "There was talk of him [Soetoro] being a CIA asset," Scoon interjected. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and . The provocations and attacks will not end once he leaves the White House. The War on Drugs is a massive, phenomenally, unbelievably lucrative war. Lolo Soetoro's age was 52 years old when died on March 2, 1987. DREAMS OF MY FATHER book of bogus truths by Barrack Obama. To use: VPN users with a Halliburton laptop can either click the Pulse Secure icon from the desktop or go to the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Pulse Secure , then Pulse Secure . Once the snakes become influential lifers they open the hiring doors for people much like themselves. Itd be great to be able to respond in kind if the Electoral College elects DJT. Frank was a journalist, a poet and was also known to be a communist as well as a Labour Union Activist. [5] For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Lolo Soetoro . Thats really too bad Trump had 4 years to do something about the swamp scumbags like Brennan but chose not to. Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report. Obama moves to Indonesia with his mother, which is the home of his new step-father Lolo Soetoro. Lolo Soetoro's age was 52 years old when died on March 2, 1987. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Dia adalah seorang kolonel di tentara Indonesia dan kemudian bekerja dalam hubungan pemerintahan di Union Oil Company. marshall park lunenburg ma where is boca grande beach where is boca grande beach TC you need to quit incessantly bitching about Trump and work real hard to cement Biden into office. Obama decided to place the Southern Command, headquartered in the right-wing Latin American exilee rats nest of Miami, to coordinate humanitarian relief in Haiti along with the head of USAID. The Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro; Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein); Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden; Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops; GWB + B.O. So, Obama was groomed and put in this position by none other than the Bushes! AMERICANS.. have to clean out every illegal without current and active green cards,,,, I said AMERICANS NOT THE CORRUPT MILITARY OF THE PAST 5O YEARS. Soetoro has two daughters from her What could possibly go wrong? He may have done all the Swamp draining he thought he could do without getting rubbed out. Box 1520, Why is it that no one in the media has ever asked that question? Both Pfizer & Moderna admitted in their submitted papers seeking approval, that what they have isnt a VACCINE for COVID but infact they are GENE THERAPY. Another point that gets overlooked is that he was an Indonesian citizen when he was adopted and going to a Muslim school. In 1990, the one-time administrator of USAID under the Bush-Cheney administration, Roger Winter, met international weapons smuggler Viktor Bout, now imprisoned in the United States after being arrested in a February 2008 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) sting operation in Thailand. FOUR FUCKING YEARS! Trump of his powers. Son of Soewarno Martodihardjo and [mother unknown] Brother of Supoyo Martodihardjo. Lolo Soetoro morreu de doena heptica em 2 de maro de 1987, aos 52 anos de idade, e foi enterrado no cemitrio Tanah Kusir, no sul de Jacarta. Viet Nam was more of the same, ditto Iran-Contra. Obamas mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked on micro-financing projects for the USAID andFord Foundation, both linked to the CIA,that helped prop up dictatorships in Indonesia and Pakistan. It was from this time that Obama lived in Jakarta. No one gave a shit. He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in . how do we know that youre not an asset of ?,put in place to deflect the truth? Have any of these Richard Craniums even read the 25th Amendment? During Law School, she pursued a number of externship positions within the corporate and He is the son of Martodihardjo Soetoro, who was a geologist and served four years in the Indonesian military. I know about that high school. POTUS has switched out the traitors for loyalists. Maybe at some point, Ill have to figure it out. somehow winds up in charge of the FBI. Soetoro also has two daughters from his first marriage. We have many questions about these pages, especially because requests concerning "White House equities", ever since 2009, "need" to be routed through the White House, as . With Dany Boon, Julie Delpy, Vincent Lacoste, Karin Viard. In 2000, the offices moved to the Makati district of the city but the building that housed USAID was always known to locals as the CIA building. The building, owned by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation, in honor of the Philippines President who died in a 1955 plane crash, was built in 1959 with a loan from the Rockefeller family. Reacting specifically to the ouster of Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, ex-CIA spy chief under the Obama administration John Brennan essentially urged a palace coup against Trump prior to January 20th to ensure he doesnt declassify anything sensitive or too revealing: Pres. usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama ! He also was a Bush CIA operative. The writer also encourages his audience/ following to completely dehumanize their oppositions. We are going to have to see them to the closest BORDER B.E. Bush operative in Indonesia. Does anyone in this country give a damn about the treason that has been committed by hundreds if not thousands of communists in this country? Obama attended Harvard and left with a Juris Doctor degree. Some of the USAID assistance was also reportedly used to buy weapons for the Afghan mujaheddin but some of the weapons ended up in the hands of Pakistani Muslim radicals intent on ousting Pakistani dictator Muhammad Zia-ul Haq. Im convinced that Brennan 1) scrubbed Obamas college travel records 2) was involved in Obamas fake birth certificates 3) helped blackmail John Roberts on Obamacare and 4) dreamed up the plot to spy on Trump starting with FISA warrants and the two hop methodology. Easy. Contents. TheEV02messaging system currently operates on four continents and is adaptable to any mobile network operator in the world. It didnt take long for this distinct possibility to attract the attention of both the mainstream media and the intelligence establishment which has so long been at odds (or even at war) with the president. $ 1000000. ! he wrote in all caps on Twitter. CHINA Tanks deployed on streets to protect the banks as they declared peoples savings are now investment products & cant be withdrawn. Hmmm, something doesnt add up, wouldnt it take longer to use the 25th? Match the search results: Lolo Soetoro is a geologist and is worth around $50 million. He is squealing about Esper, he knows what it means. Mother and s on follow Lolo to Indonesia soon after. Mobile Accords web site states, The heart of the Mobile Accord system is the proprietary high-volumeEV02mobile platform that processes SMS, PSMS, and MMS. With everyone is focused on #obamagate and the upcoming 2020 Election we've decided to share some kinda secret Obama / Bush Family History.Enjoy!Instagram.. in 1960 and were married six months before they welcomed their son in 1961, who was named after his birth father and his birthplace was Hawaii. Former Eli Lilly chief Randall (Randy)Tobias, while George W. Bushs administrator of USAID, was exposed as a client of the Washington escort firm, Pamela Martin & Associates, run by Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the so-called DC Madam.. To Contact Hardscrabble Farmer before supplies run out: or on a mobile device, scan this QR code: To Donate Monthly via Stripe, click here. Obama was fascinated by his Muslim group of friends and their lifestyle. Lolo Soetoro whose full name is Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo was a renowned Indonesian who was the stepfather of former president Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. USAID and its contractors were heavily involved with anti-Chavez-activities in Colombia at the time of the 2002 coup. Obama represented a Lebanese developer, Tony Rezko. Is he going to take some type of military action? (1 Vote) Very easy. All rights reserved. I chose my friends carefully. I always wondered how a nobody, done nothing, politician came our of the swamp to become our president. tn ZunZuneo was a pet project of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who, according to AP, had her social media chief Suzanne Hall, contact Twitter founder Jack Dorsey to take over ZunZuneo. A strong bond was built between the two and Barry saw him as an important mentor whilst he was in twelfth grade, influencing him greatly. All of Obamas mentors had their fingers in dangerous or corrupt pies, not to mention Mr. Bill Ayers, co founder of The Weather Underground, known as a Domestic Terrorist Organization, who is openly responsible for dozens of bombings of public places. born 1961, age 56 with Barack Obama Sr. 44th President of the United States of America 20th Jan 2009 - 20th Jan 2017
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