My boyfriends Pluto (Scorpio) is trine my Moon (Cancer). The fact that we have Mars square Mars and Mercury square Mercury? Your partner tends to bring out subconscious emotional responses from you; the Pluto person can see into your soul, and knows how to bring out your most intense, secret emotions. The conversation was very casual and pleasant . Very Neptunian although I think the powerful emotion driving this desire and immense love comes from the Pluto aspects specially Moon-Pluto. The last time I saw him he had put on so mucb weight and looked like he was going through depression again, it has to do with me. The weird thing for me is that I can understand that you run once. It Phoenix transforation time. Exactly whst u described as the moon person is how i feel. Xoxoxo, Thank you ((Heather)) I think I would need to do the one question chart for you, not that I am trying to drum up business because I dont do that, but if you are serious, you should consider a chart. Also his moon trines my Pluto so what about that? This is a deep and personal connection that can be either good or unpleasant. But it can have a lasting influence on people. Sexual attraction is strong and you find each other to be very magnetic or highly charismatic. When I start move on its like he feels it and knows exactly when to spy on me or contact me because he knows that all he has to do is make an appearance and everything comes crumbling for me. I can do a much better job for you there. In one article I read that in synastry with the Moon and Pluto this is often not the only aspect. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. I just feel is like a drug for me, like is the air that I need to breath to live. Moon is the celestial body that correlates to our deepest emotions. Well Im fairly new to astrology so I know the basic stuff (not so much about orbs!) He also looks like he could be related to me and there is much familiarity about him like I swear I know this man! My Pluto sextile his Uranus My Pluto trine his Ascendant In these two cases, the people are familiar with Moon/Pluto energy. Mercury quincunx Pluto 1.62 The main moon aspects are listed above, particularly the Pluto/Moon trines we have both ways. Jupiter trine Neptune 0.24 Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply, Amiann! Fortunately, when challenges come our way because of the square, we are given a clear eye to resolve them. Me too actually, lol, He is like writing me every four hours or something. But beware because astrologers believe that Pluto is a higher form of Mars. Yes, it must be once in a lifetime but this is tortuous, So i realized we have Pluto-moon sextile with him as moon in Leo and me as Pluto in Libra, BUT we also have moon-Mars squared double whammy ( my moon is Gemini /Mars Scorpio and his moon is Leo /Mars Virgo), And his Pluto exact conjunct my Mars at 12 degrees Scorpio. and we also quarrel quite a lot, im pisces and shes virgo, Come and put your chart up, my Friend. His Pluto at 9 degrees Scorpio trines my Moon at 7 degrees Pisces My Venus trine his mars and my Saturn is conjuct with his sun. I wonder what our companionship and labor relation would be like since theres a lot of Pluto. Where's the square in that? There is a cosmic magnetism thats going to bring these two individuals together whether they like it or not. Synastry is concerned with two different people connecting. You want to know about how the aspects made me feel? Thanks for posting it, LAP. Washington, DC United States 10/13/1981 05:14 Julian day 2444890.88 He always says that it feels like he is melting inside of me, like a part of him just wants to die with me. , Ive got moon -pluto square in my natal chart, and in synastry his pluto is square to my moon..i dont know him well, but the soul to soul feeling is so intenseim totally obsessed. Pluto square Mars However, the individual with the Moon placement is also a source of some of this negative tension. This is the reason why Pluto is associated with sex, rebirth, death, and change. We understand one another great but, will that be enough for a long term relationship if possible. Broke up with her, comes back to me, same story. There's going to be a lot of psychological processing and powerful mirroring as between the two as Sun represents our conscious ego identity and Pluto represents our shadow subconscious self. There exists an intense, passionate bond between the two of you. In its more self-destructive phase, it can be a wish for death. This can indicate a relationship that can go through many emotional changes and can be tumultuous but very deep. B could tend to dominate psychologically over A while A could react very spontaneously/ spasmodically towards B. Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn By amiann | February 8, 2012 | Astrology, Do you really know your lover?? On top of that he has Jupiter on my ASc and our composite has Mars/Venus conjunct. There's also a possibility that Pluto, having the upper hand in the relationship, can control the Moon. Isnt it pure bliss!? his Venus in Taurus calms me down ) despite the fact that he has a tension between Taurus and Scorpio in the chart. It felt like he wanted to hurt me yet another time. What does it mean for him? how could you even talk with him for so long, he is so not interesting LoL, Interesting Lynn. TIA. Whew!!! You captured my feelings exactly! Si es as..que bueno!! Vertex square Midheaven 0.26 Who do you think could be more obsessed for the other? Im a Gemini sun, though, with a majority of Earth and then Water planets, and hes a Scorpio sun, with Scorpio in numerous of his personal planets and some Air and Earth. The Pluto person forces the Moon person to go into the unexplored places of their soul. Im moon in this once in a lifetime story, she is pluto Hard Neptune aspects can make us see sunshine and roses where there might actually be rain and thorns. We also have the following aspects: Thank you very much for the description of the Moon/Pluto aspect and giving us the opportunity to briefly describe our experiences with this rare and never to be taken lightly aspect in synastry. I was super sensitive to whatever he said and did. The work situation is a bit of a barrier though for the time being. He has Lilith in wide conjunction to his Midheaven but in 9th house. Yes, it is powerful but I would have to study the full chart to give a really informed answer, Mina dear! His flaws make me want to care for and protect him all the more, in fact. My Pluto at 22 Virgo trine his Moon at 20 Capricorn. On the downside, the Moon person is likely to feel controlled or manipulated by the Pluto person. One word: Painful then, painful now. While this could mean a powerful fling, a long-term relationship with a Moon Square Pluto synastry is going to require a lot of emotional work and maturity on both individuals in order to succeed. Is your Moon squareyour partner's Pluto or vice versa? I had to let the Forum go cuz I did not have the time for it. I met a man who make totally mess in my head. They are sensitive and easily hurt. Moon Opposition Uranus 221 -68 I really do not trust the Comp. Moon/Pluto seems like one to a lifetime, my dear Friend xx. It only shows you the possibility of the future. The chemistry is extreme and we are also best friends. Sun trine Moon 3.73 My Mars conj. Well, the Moon/Pluto bug bit you, I can see! YES yes yes about the trine. I will be back tomorrow to talk a little more about them but they are very nice! Venus trine Midheaven 3.63 I wrote before about this, but I wanted to give an update They might often find themselves wondering why the Pluto individual cant give them more of this emotional fix that theyve been looking for. Pluto sextile Chiron 1.39 Such a Plutonian confrontation. What you think about it?! My Venus squares his Pluto, His Venus sextiles my Pluto lmao. Let me know . YOU have to tell me who is the Moon and who is the Pluto lol.However, this synastry is super connected and super sexy and looks to be soul mate aspects but I would need to see the whole chart and you are welcome to put it in my Personal Readings Forum! His Mars in my 7 house. Sorry for double/triple posting! Very strange but real and comfortable and very trusting. Read your description of moon /pluto aspects. In astrology, Pluto is a feared planet, and this is not without any reason. He would feed off the power over the moon person but wouldnt be Inlove with the moon person. I look forward to it! However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. Venus- Neptune -Double conjunction whammy His pluto conjunct my ascendant orb 9.52 He needed to know each and every one of my secrets, and if I refused to tell them, he would resort to playing games. My moon trine his Pluto, and his moon trine my Pluto. NOT in synastry, in the natal of each person. Conjunction but wider. I have my Pluto tribe his moon, mercury and Neptune. I was told the guy I have deep feelings for has his Pluto trine my Moon. Another question, where can I register for your Forum? My Venus Trine His AC 2. Saturn Conjunction Mars 458 67 Mercury quincunx Mercury 3.33 This imbalance has been existing, and it will reveal itself to you during this event. Even if youre an open book, the Moon represents those hidden currents that are moving underneath the surface. We were at the same place at the same time and locked eyes. Are these heartbreak aspects? My guy and I are both quite Plutonian, and Scorpio is a big part of our Moon-Pluto connections, so this is not only somewhat natural to us, but fiercely desired. Thank you and Welcome Lynn. Required fields are marked *. Both people would feel this, imo, and Welcome Moon! xx, Hi, ive been here already letting you to know about moon/plutoobsession and i would like to know despite this aspect in synastry if you also have pluto sextil venus in synastry as we have it?..would love to know aboutthank you. The Pluto wants to control the gentle, fragile Moon. However because of our moon/neptune conjunction things never really got off the ground properly, which you are also right about (the moon/neptune conjunction issue)! Theres so much LONGING. I feel a longing to pour my soul out to him. The moon is your deepest heart. Its 8 degrees and that also makes the Moon Pluto square a bit more wide ~ perhaps thats a good thing lol. However, I think Moon/Pluto will be very strong, in synastry, for these people and anyone. does he have the upper hand because his pluto aspects me twice? Pluto is similar to Mars, which rules chaos, war, anger, and aggression. I will post the charts in the forum and see what you think of our aspects. Taurus Saturn. Does it mean that Im in a unrequited love where Im totally attracted and he plays games with me ? My Midheaven square his Moon. ps. I have no idea how he feels, but this is exquisite torture for me. Im currently dating a gentleman that I have this aspect with. Pluto conjunct Jupiter Do you have somewhere I can reach you? You better be careful. | 325 Comments | Or do you tell them openly how you feel? Pluto Conjunction Sun 328 95 YES, my friend, it sounds very, very special! I go with the synastry. He is an out of the box person and he brings this part of himself to you, Mary. THANKS. (And in some not so good ways, although I know this is not from Pluto-Moon, and probably from My Scorpio Pluto being conjunct his Scorpio Sun/Mercury. Aries Saturn, My planets: Why do I love him with the intensity of an Obsessed Psycho? Someones Planet Touches(Conjuncts) Your Ascendant Pardon Me, Madam. Chiron runs once and then it is done. I can say that much. While both people in this conjunct have opposite natures, the relationship between them is not superficial. Thank you Xx, thank you very much for the texts and answers, Hi Ami So you can also get rid of him by commanding yourself/your body/your mind/your soul to just cut the bond.
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