. We've all heard of the Not So Berry Challenge created by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming. Loves the Outdoors // Loner // Erratic, Ahh books you love em! Histria:Voc gosta das cores do arco-ris? Generation 2 - Rose. Alcance nvel 8 em seis habilidades de sua escolha. . 3. Traos Infantil, geek e alegre. Bem a histria essa, como visto acima, uma agente secreta bem travessa, mas que com certeza ama a famlia, e ensinar o que for preciso para a prxima gerao, para d continuidade a este legado cheio de cores e emoes que nos aguarda. 3. Maintain an herb garden for your kitchen. Not So Berry Legacy Challenge - created by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming. with the requirements that require a pack i don't have i replace it with something i can do or just ignore it. You grew up poor and are living paycheck to paycheck working in the business career just as your parents did. You never admit the affair to anyone and dedicate your life to being the perfect mother. Youve always wanted to be the best at everything. Seus pais, so os melhores que ela podia ter, eles conseguem dar ateno pra todo os filhos e ainda assim, conseguir promoes no trabalho, Soo-Yun, j est ansiosa para conhecer seu irmozinho, Sumie parece no gostar muito disso, mas ela dizia a mesma coisa com Yun, mas Soo-yun sempre via ela indo ver o irmozinho e falando s para ele ouvir, que ele era lindo, mas Soo-Yun sempre via isso, Sumi s bastante esquentada, mas ama todos ns, e no sempre que ela consegue demonstrar, Soo-Yun no tem problema com isso, ela demonstra mesmo o amor, ama demais os pais, a Irm, o irmo, e j ama demais o irmozinho que vai nascer. Voc muito prtico, sabendo que h poucas chances de se tornar um escritor de sucesso, ento voc trabalha todo o tempo que pode. Watch. If you did it in a rainbow that would be cool because it would could have been rose orange and so on. Will you make the right choices? You lead a book club and sometimes play the piano when the other book club members ask you to. 3. 4. I have parenthood and city living so I can do some of the originals but not all. Histria:Voc cresceu em uma famlia pobre (aps a falncia da empresa) e tem o sonho de tornar-se um escritor de romances, mas tem muito medo de abandonar o seu emprego para acompanhar seus sonhos. Stylish cropped shirt with a tie with sparkly diamonds, inspired by Wendys look. As long as you have a rocketship and a high enough skill. 1. It's not all. Some Sims 4 websites post it directly under the tag of the Not So Berry Challenge or the player can take a look in the Sims 4 gallery and once again search the words "Not So Berry.". You seek to maintain the bloodline forevermore with immortality (and social media). Traos Desajeitado, ambicioso e solitrio. Eu tenho apenas o the sims 4 base e queria jogar o desafio not so berry, so que tem muitas regras que precisam de usar carreiras e coisas de pacotes de expanso que muitos de ns no temos, ento eu adaptei uma verso do desafio para o jogo base. If you dont have City Living for example, just move onto the next world that you do have! ), Must live in a different world than the one they were raised, Master mixology, video gaming, and programming skills, Master tech guru career and complete Computer Whiz aspiration, Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends, Have at least five good friends and five enemies, Master the photography, cooking, and parenting skills, Master critic career and complete Super Parent aspiration, Must marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until you die. Its hard to choose a career, so why not try a few? The colours of the spouses dont matter as they arent part of the challenge. Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. You begin to strive for something more, becoming a global superstar actor! Aruna Waters (Toddler) - CC Links (18/7/22) Skin Details & Face The unusual spin on the fan-favorite game has been around for some time, calling on Sims addicts to push their personal limits and create entire dynasties. In The Sims community, the term "berry" is used to describe Sims who have unnaturally colorful hair, skin tone, and eye color, wearing matching outfits. If you want to have a example of the web, I'll give you. Youve always wanted to cause mayhem, but youre just really bad at being evil. After a sudden thought of,What if I made BFs T-shirt in Sims?, I somehow ended up creating a CAS Kit based off of Friday Night Funkin in the span of 5-8 hours. Como um adulto, voc decide perseguir seus sonhos. Traos Maligno, seguro de si e gluto. This will go on for 10 generations. 5. Traits: Snob, Geek, CheerfulAspiration: Computer WhizCareer: Tech Guru. Thanks! Tenha trs relacionamentos fracassados, antes de se envolver com um sim puro de corao e casar-se. ), Must live in a different world than the one he/she was raised, Master mixology, video gaming, and programming skills, Master tech guru career and complete Computer Whiz aspiration, Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends and/or go out/ throw a party once a week, Have at least five good friends and five enemies, Master the painting, cooking, and gardening skills, Master painter career and complete the big happy family aspiration, Must marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until you die. I only have dogs and cats pack and was upset when the original had other packs. Of course, it's always possible to choose the "On The Ley Line" lot trait and hope for the best, but only cheats are 100 percent reliable in this case. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family. So with the supportive parents you had, they enrolled you in drama club for the entirety of your school life. Having been the smartest kid throughout your school career, you were given the chance to jump straight into the Law career. Aspirao Rainha/Rei das travessuras. 1. Have a green lot with extremely reduced bills. Youre a hopeless romantic, but your unflirty nature makes it nearly impossible to find love. Cheating in twins, if needed, is as simple as turning on cheats and using a command. Traits:Hot-Headed (give as a teenager), Active, Self-Assured, Career:Manuel Laborer, Ski/Snowboarding YouTuber (once you reach Level 10 ofSki/Snowboarding). Woo! Welcome all to theWorld Legacy Challenge, a generational challenge that will get you to explore each of The Sims 4 worlds and packs. As one of the games without a clear linear narrative, it's possible to spend months or even years playing The Sims 4. However, the Not So Berry challenge has been out for so long that there have been MANY additions to Sims 4 since it was released. Deve aceitar todos os convites para festas, passeios com seus amigos e outros eventos. You had everything you desired as a child but you were always longing for more. Traits: Genius, Noncommittal, BroAspiration: Renaissance SimCareer: Fast Food, Secret Agent (Villain), Entertainer. Your family has a long and lustrous history. Crie um cmodo e exponha suas descobertas (caderno de habilidades). One day while going through your mother/father/parents library you discovered a book on knitting. 3. I. Example,you want to know what the speciality in VietNam, you mustn't find many in internet. Growing up you never had a close relationship with your mother and spent the majority of your time alone in your room obsessing over space. Complete a carreira e a aspirao. Currently, I have a dog named Cassie who is a Jack Russel / Beagle mix and three young fancy rats (all of whom are rescues). Traos Soturno, perfeccionista e familiar. We have a web write for Food. It is now fixed. Until one day you found out that your mother/father/parent had a secret affair. I mean, dont we all go through a rebellious phase in our lives? Meio perdido, mas pode fazer o que quiser. 4. The ten generations should have the following colors: mint, rose, yellow, grey, plum, orange, pink, peach, green, and finally blue. Boy, do I have the challenge for you! Im currently playing this challenge on my YouTube channel! Again, all credit goes to @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming- thanks so much to them for making the challenge! V ao cinema com seus filhos e cnjuge. This helped a cramp ton! Jogo requisitado:The Sims 4 (pode ser adaptado para outras verses do jogo). Thank you! Below are all possible answers. Of course, this . From a young age you grew a fascination with acting, the idea of being able to step away from reality and take on a role of someone else excited you. For example, the sixth generation (orange) requires the Sim to have only two children - who have to be twins! You may also use the following mods to spice up your gameplay (all the mods listed are by Sacrifical): Extreme Violence (NOTE: This mod is for 18+ only! The setup is: Obtain an empty 50x50 . Traits: Self-Absorbed // Music Lover // Non-Committal, * if you choose to impregnate a sim, once the sim gives birth they give you the child to take care of, side note: if you dont have access to custom content feel free to use silver hair in replacement for white and dress them in white if you please. 2. More here: lilsimsie In this game, you'll choose what you'd name each generation if you were playing. Traits: Proper, Perfectionist, Overachiever. Domnio da habilidade de mixologia, vdeo game e programao. Voc muito bom em basquete e quer se tornar um atleta profissional. Youve always been good at anything you tried. Youre the kind of person that will be at a party at 3am and then at work at 6am. Generation 5 - Plum. 2. . Voc no tem instinto materno, mas ama muito seu/sua filho(a). Marry the first adult Sim to rate you 5 stars for a job. Hey guys! Its not actually base game because Sixam comes with get to work! The best scenario is to avoid cheats to make the Not So Berry Challenge even more challenging. Thats you. (requires Get to Work, Nifty Knitting)Your mother/father/parent was one of the most famous skier/snowboarders in Mt. Soo-yun, est muito contente de Irmo novo, j Sumie nem tanto, a cabecinha quente dela se incomoda com os choros do beb, mas ela no consegue negar para si mesma, que Yun uma das coisas mais fofas que ela j viu. Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration. Also, you really, really hate cats. Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, RomanticAspiration: Serial RomanticCareer: Politician. (unless EA comes for my ass but until then, the assets I used for the promo picture is still available). So, for example, the first generation Sim is a jealous materialistic vegan whose aspiration is mischief tasked with completing the Scientist career. If you have more suggestions, feel free to send them to me so that I can share them here for the rest of the Sims community. I finished the Not So Berry Challenge but wanted to continue for a few more generations because I adore my family. 1. You long to write romance novels but are too afraid to quit your steady job to follow your dreams. 4. You end up meeting a vampire who you become completely mesmerized with and fall in love so quick as if you were put under a spell. Have a nice dayFiFa online 2020Eating wellESPN sportBarcelona todayFood and DrinkNew FoodFood networkFood comFootball NewHealth, The information you shared is wonderful to me, thank you and have a nice dayNBC sportNFL SportpremierleagueRonaldo 2020southeast asia travelTasty FoodTravel to asiaweightloss 2020HEALTH AND FITNESS Gamesbx 9, I really enjoyed reading this post, I always appreciate topics like this being discussed to us. This Kit does require Discover University, Seasons and the Free Holiday pack for Picos tops and the Toddler Beep Hat but overall this is all Base Game Compatible! Fique com seu cnjuge durante toda a vida, termine o caso com o melhor amigo dele e torne-se inimigo pblico do seu amante. You are a care-free, nature loving, and nave dreamer. 1 Mint 2 Rose 3 Yellow 4 Gray 5 . 3. Growing up you never had a close relationship with your parents and spent the majority of your time alone in your room obsessing over space. Para compensar a falta de seus pais, voc quer ter uma relao prxima e exemplar com seus prprios filhos. The world right now isnt perfect and you strive to change the world for the better. Complete the Eco Innovator aspiration and reach level 10 of the Civil Designer career. Now this is a small extension most likely 3 generations that will be updated as I play. This challenge uses colours to denote different generations and with each generation you'll decorate your . Deve viver sua vida adulta em um mundo diferente do que foi criado. Tenha uma sala de exposio para artes. The player focuses on bright colors and new experiences. You always felt that you were different. Trago para vocs, mais uma atualizao do desafio not so berry base game, e Yoko teve seu primeiro beb, quer dizer sua primeira beb, Yoko e Hiromu tiveram uma linda menininha chamada Sumie, que eu j decidi que ser a nossa prxima protagonista dessa srie, mas como mencionado no post anterior eles tero mais filhos, mas Sumie ser a herdeira do legado se tudo ocorrer conforme eu espero, ela ainda uma recm nascida e no tem traos ou aspirao. Until the dreaded accident.. Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Romantic, Erratic, And thats it! You like cats and romance novels, and all you really want to do is knit clothes for charity. Voc passou a maior parte dos seus anos jovens sendo um Guru da tecnologia, mas quando tornou-se um adulto percebe que seu verdadeiro sonho tornar-se um danarino profissional. This completely broke you and in order to cope with the news, you decided to become a rebel. Traos Cabea quente, esnobe e romntica. (NSB Base Game PT12), Soo-Yun uma criana(NSB Base Game PT17), 2 Gravidez de Yoko! The thought of having a robot who was there for you every waking moment felt like something you needed in your life, so it was time to make a crazy idea a reality! Taylor McCauley . Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them. 1. Tenha dois filhos um adotado, um biolgico. Youre a really important person in your career, which kind of sucks because youre also secretly a magician! There are five generations in this one because I tend to go for shorter legacy challenges as opposed to the 10-gen ones. Viva em trs mundos diferentes durante a sua vida. you can utilize dual colors in multitudes of ways. If Gen 3 Yellow cant know anyone then how does Yellow have kids, They can get married and have kids but only after mint passes. Tights - GAME//Base Game Clothes Top - DOWNLOAD Pants - DOWNLOAD Shoes - unknown. I was inspired to write out a few more generations for the Not So Berry Challenge! @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming. You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation. Thats you. I only have get to work so I think I'll combine this and the original. Entre no lote secreto de Oasis Springs (requer mecnica em nvel 10). Well now you can have the perfect excuse to do so with theWorld Legacy Challenge! Web'll give you some ways to cook, many review post and good place you can eat if you want. This is my first ever piece of CC that Ive created in years! . Traits: Family-Oriented, Kleptomaniac, Loves Outdoors. Since gen 7 is pink. You get an apartment on your own as soon as youre old enough in a faraway town, and learn quickly that youre much more special than your upbringing would have you believe. The player can use money cheats but they shouldn't overdo it. Se voc quiser compartilhar o seu desafio com as criadoras, utilize a tag #notsoberry no twitter ou outras redes sociais (e no se esquea de comentar, tambm!). Mas voc sempre quer mais. Sumie ainda s um bebezinho, e logo o casal kanzaki, engravidou novamente, nem consigo descrever a Felicidade de Hiromu, seus sonhos esto se realizando, est crescendo sua famlia assim como sempre quis! Do you like the rainbow? all at once. You never want to settle down, but you cant stop love from sprouting when one day your academic rival winks instead of snarls. Estou jogando o desafio not so berry, para the sims 4 jogo bsico, voce pode encontra-lo aqui, desafio adaptado por mim, para ts4 base game, no feito e no traduzido s adaptado. Traits: Genius, Noncommittal, Dance MachineAspiration: Renaissance SimCareer: Fast Food, Doctor, Entertainer. 1. You may not, under any circumstances, name them Edward. I wanted to make a kitchen that felt like Ikea, so I named the kitchen after the city of Sweden. The "Not So Berry Challenge" is one of many fun challenges players may try in the Sims 4. Youre very practical and you know the chances of making it as a writer are slim, so you stay working at your nine to five. Figuring your mother/father/parent spent all of their time cooking and painting anyways you decided to take the book and learn how to knit. You take on a job gardening too, just in case. Growing up in the shadows of your parents spotlight was a little hard on you. This challenge is currently in the testing phase. I'm doing the not so berry challenge by lilsimsie and alwaysimming and I love how it makes you explore everything the game has to offer BUT I'm missing a few things from the latest packs and stuff like that. If you've been daydreaming about an updated Not So Berry Challenge (2020), look no further! Sure, you may have had trouble paying the bills here and there but what mattered most is that your family was together. Have twins a few days before you become an elder (you may cheat for this). When your story is completed, please send a PM to Blamsart letting her know the story has been completed. Youre a mischievous scientist that really loves the color mint. Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery aspiration and reach level 10 of the Salaryperson career. Agora Yoko e Hiromu, vo deixar as coisas acontecerem mais devagar, e agora vo esperar um pouco, para poder pensar se vo ainda ter mais filhos, Yoko acha que melhor ficarem assim, ela ama seus filhos, amar qualquer um outro que possam ter, mas a gravidez to estressante que ela prefere ficar sem esta grvida por um bom tempo, e sim, digo novamente ela ama seus filhos, mas eles do trabalho, e ela nem sabe se vai d conta desses trs. Traits: Self-Assured, Hates Children, Glutton. Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration and reach level 10 of the Business career. May 2022 edited February 15 in The Sims 4 Challenges, Stories and Legacies.
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