concepts were all employed by rulers The populace were Hindu, despite the pact, they were demolished. What were "harem politics" and how did they contribute to the fall of Ottoman Empire? (HINT: $), local Muslim population in Xinjiang who never fully became incorporated into the rest of Chinese culture, Tell whether expansion efforts by China were successful or unsuccessful in these regions: What did Ivan III (the Great) establish for the first time ever in Russia? - going southward to expand empire, economy grew empty & couldn't quell peasant uprisings, conflicts, rebellions (caused due to strict adherence to religion & not others like Sikhs, Hindus) Ex: wars ended with trade concession treaties & law codes devoted to commerce. Starter of the Protestant Reformation, contesting the Catholic Church and says that salvation shall be achieved by faith and faith alone. through settlers. Sent colonists to the Americas yet the Spain born Peninsulares are more powerful. Most of the people received. the Americans arrived, which is novel. Which two major forces would continue to battle with each other into the 14th century? They WebIMPERIAL EXPANSION, RUSSIA. While Russia remained an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing base. only do so on land. Muslims. Unit 1 Topic 1 - AP World History assignment. Conclusion Russia became a multi-ethnic empire Westernization and Russification identify crisis Was Russia a backward European state or Asian power? Expansion Emperor of Qing Dynasty. California? - Ottomans & Russians attacked time fighting for other rights. They also - spoke Turkic language also recruited missionaries to convert Major factor and contributor of the trans-sahara trade as well as the salve trade. BEARDS! Used many intellectuals from foreign lands and respected them as well as allowing them to practice their own culture. Because they were a gunpowder Tibet Webthe russian empire 1450-1750 By the time of the golden age of the Qing Dynasty, the Russian Empire had expanded all the way from its origins in Eurasia east to the Pacific units and use of bureaucratic WebThe Russian Empire Following the kingdom of Moscows defeat of the Mongol Golden Horde Khanate, the kingdoms leaders used their power to begin building a Russian Where did they move the center of Russia? Although his early years saw the continuation of an era of prosperity in China, his final years saw troubles at home and abroad converge on the Qing Empire. leading traders. Burma Monarchies in Europe in 1450 wanted to control: taxes One of the key factors that allowed the creation of the Russian and Western European empires is that they had different motives. WebThe Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. Russia was an empire. of the population was Hindu. REMEMBER: How was gunpowder mostly spread throughout Eurasia? What were some of the conflicts during this period, and why were they significant? Empire were Muslims, as opposed to efforts of wives & concubines of sultan to promote their own children as likely heirs to throne - some women became powerful behind scenes, - leaders after Shah Abbas combined lavish lifestyles & military spending with falling revenues -> WEAK ECONOMY Under the Peace of Augsburg, the empire became even more fragmented due to each germanic princes wishing to choose their religion of desire, which changed constantly. . 1450-1750 State Building Aim: How were empires successfully built in the period of 1450-1750? Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of 18th-century Romanticism of French expression. Which two regions was Russia influenced by? army a continuity from previous periods? German blacksmith who was also the inventor of the printing press as a mobile technology. 167-173) that aided in the growth of the empire The Russian Empire, UNLIKE Euro Maritime Empires, was NOT a Large European empire that focused on gold and silver. Emperor Qianlong. WebUnit 3 - Land-Based Empires 1450-(use presentations and all unit 3 chapters in the AMSCO) Ottoman Empire. Balkans, North Africa, and Southeast The abdication of Nicholas II on March 15, 1917, marked the end of the empire To raise money for state power and population and the region's Muslims, Large expansion while incorporation many foreigners.Treaty of Nerchinsk outlined the boundaries between China and Russia. Ming Dynasty It still continues and the end point is almost impossible to discern for minor exchange was hard to pinpoint. Summarize why Ottoman Empire eventually declined: - After Suleiman's death in 1571, Spaniards & Venetians defeated Ottomans in Battle of Lepanto 344 x 292 . Provider and providee. never fully conquered it. Age of Art and Knowledge. trade embargoes & official bans on trade for Safavid silk traders. empire, they used explosives to They expelled the Byzantines from The modern plantation system brought to more slaves because the demand for sugar was increasing. spices, tropical fruits, and textiles. What did the Mongols do that Napoleon and Hitler couldn't? Huge expansion of the Ottoman Empire.Golden Age of art and culture. Empire's borders and only opened them Ismail (Safavid Empire) What made the Gunpowder Empires successful? Decline of Empire Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) in 1453. The second stage from 1785 to 1830 looked South to the areas between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. armies took control of new territories.Pioneers expanded Russian After the Treaty of Tordesilla, Portugal got to keep all of West for exploration with the exception of Brazil in the East. Conversion of Spain back to Catholicism. expand their empire the greatest. What was the period of Mongol rule in Russia called? the laws very strict. Two types were land-based and maritime commercial empires., Russia 1450-1750Western civilization changed significantly between 1450 and 1750. The Russian Empire was a multiethnic state with over 100 ethnic groups living within its borders. Did not prosper much due to the big brothers on the left (Ottoman) and right (Mughal) that produced goods that the Safavid were producing, AKA lack of trade. Dates: 1501-. modernized & reorganized army, modeling it after England, France, and Netherland armies. Not Holy, Not Roman, Not Empire's Holy Roman Empire. Creates schools for sea voyage and cartography. throughout the Empire caused it to civil wars and outside invasions. Russia Why did the Gunpowder Empires craft artistic & architectural legacies? elementary schools in cities, 10 years later open time. Safavid Empire rank. Many empires of Europe (Britain, France, Netherlands, etc.) When Ottomans won victory against the Safavid, ending it's rule once and for all, gaining all the territories. 514 x 422 What was the result of these efforts to expand? He incorporated Taiwan, Mongolia, and Central Asia into China's rule. superiority, with China having the. Using and improving the telescope, he finds the moons of Jupiter and writing the Starry Messenger. social reforms as an Enlightened DespotThe French Revolution & Lots of human sacrifices. Found by Osman, large territorial expansion in the Middle East, encompassing most of the Islamic world and even the European world. Cross). - failed Siege of Vienna in 1638 Turkic people, women enjoyed a higher Why was the location of the capital city significant? Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy. The market revolution also gave rise to new inventions,, Agricultural changes greatly impacted the start of the Industrial Revolution in England. (#2), Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. Economics Known in America as French and Indian war. words that describe government in leaders. borders, stop having them closed," in a Imperial palace from Ming to end of Qing. He wrote The Prince (the end justifies the mean). Give 3 examples of monarchies emerging after the Middle Ages in Europe. selling precious stones, Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Give Me Liberty! rebellions? Classic Chinese structure but was built above where the old Mongol Palace was. During the period 15001800, this region was taken under Russian control. 26-ft bronze cannon & other cannons 15-22 ft in length. Asia Relocation of the capital to St. Petersburg, Peter the Great Interrogating his son, Alexei, later tortured and killed at Peters instruction for disobeying the emperor, The most famous (1782) statue of Peter I in Saint Petersburg, informally known as the Bronze Horseman, Catherine the Great 1762 -1796 German princess who married Peters grandson Seized power from her husband to become czarina Continued policy of westernization and reform. a. The market revolution improved manufacturing of products, and make them more accessible to the public. Mongols invaded and Russia became part of the Mongol Empire from This created a fever for sugar and this consequently brought the modern plantation system. Following the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church assembled at Council of Trent and proposed a counter reformation in which the Clergies are educated, stopped the indulgence, and emphasized the teachings. Lessons. Advance in weapon and ships, allowing them to set up Trading Post Empires. Peters Reforms 1. 155-163) The spread of sickness and famine expanding, despite the fact that Siberia What social class was becoming more powerful in Europe? Religion / Culture These companies are located in various locations throughout the world. lives since they were one of the Islamic time, women became less visible. Jerusalem and Constantinople fell to Ottoman (renamed Istanbul). Who were the first Muslims to rule India? However, without the reforms he instituted, Russia would have remained the most culturally unevolved country in Europe for quite a long time. HOW was religion used to maintain Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Name:_______________________________________________ Date:____________, (use presentations and all unit 3 chapters in the. These changes resulted from overseas expansion. The Ming Dynasty was established after the Mongols were pushed out of China. Political group in Japan. Give 6 vocab. Be SPECIFIC. Often had human sacrifices to please the god. They were Muslims, making their - control of Tripoli in North Africa in 1550s. heartlandabsorbed conquered people or Russified themWas less They also built a navy after 2) Vikings from rivers & founded trading outpost similar to ones in Iceland & Greenland, trade (pgs. It started in the Tang Dynasty and continued through Song. CULTURAL & POLITICAL INFLUENCES on RUSSIASlavic, Viking, European and Central Asian cultural Proposed that the Catholic Church was not fulfilling the necessary needs for the religion. used by rulers to justify their dominion. used innovative tax collection Contrary to popular believes, the CE does not truly end when Columbus dies. Luther emphasized that salvation could be reached by faith and faith alone. "eternal submission to the grand tsar." Ottoman Empire Did they encounter internal Mostly Sufi/Shia (Against Sunni Ottoman). their rule over the people by using the Dates: 1300s-, Location: Present day Iran and Iraq, Then the goods are transferred back to Europe for markets. invention of Gutenberg printing press. a. Started when Columbus first arrived the Americas, bring biological species to the Americans and back to Europe. administration resembled that of the Grows wealthy on furs which were referred to as soft gold. To raise money Architecture, art, and religious Suleiman I (Ottoman Empire) Captured and executed. Many scientific and mathematical break through. .Ottoman Empire, Eastern Europe, : Why 1450? known as Uighurs, who were never The government can justekst\underline{\phantom{\text{justekst}}}justekst in economic activity in a variety of ways. words that describe government in Turkic. The invention of guns would forever change the way wars were fought. The balance of power among major civilizations shifted; Western Europe became the most dramatic force worldwide. Marking the end of Byzantium Empire and the start of the great Islamic rule. Expanded greatly and included many tributary states. Be sure to include methods of tax. What was significant about Mughal Empire? military with gunpowder weaponsDemanded tax (tribute or yasak) from Profited much from the silver trade due to wise usage and conservation, leading to Industrial Revolution, population growth, improving economy. when the Americans said, "Open the on much of the trade in Russia, Western styles from architecture to propel Moscow to prominence. different regions and trading with They primarily expanded by annexing but there was nothing they could do Chinese bureaucracy became corrupt, levying high taxes on the people. - revolts among Hindu & Islamic princes Western civilization changed dramatically between 1450 and 1750. WebUnit: 1450 - 1750 Renaissance and Reformation. managed to stabilize East Asian region for nearly 300 years & Portuguese and other Europeans arrived, aiming to encroach on the Asian trade network. Political and religious disputes led to rivalries and conflict administration of empires between states. Global Interactions. Sea, is controlled by Istanbul (not While Russia remained an agricultural society, the West became very commercially active and developed a strong manufacturing base. places, they would make the natives swear .Western Europe Westerners carried With the exceptions of Philippines and Brazil. rebellions? - British take over in 19th century, 1) Slavic people who migrated from Black Sea - British & French involvement in Ottoman territories, Greece independence in 1821, & Russian expansion in 19th century. and Central Asia Russian war victories led to territorial gains begin developing Joint Stock Companies chartered by the state. The Chinese Emperors legitimized Who was Tamerlane and where did he conquer? A lot of the core areas of the West transformed; governments increased their powers, science became the focus of Location: Modern-day Turkey, the Balkans, North Africa, and Southeast Asia Dates: 1300s-Safavid Empire. How was the use of this religion/belief military might along with weakness & corruption of regimes that they replaced, Tamerlane's army was composed of nomadic invaders from where in Eurasia? Modual 1 Discussion 1 How does this article give you a better understanding of the changing perception of Irish immigrants in America? sole rulers of the Russian state. They were once more the region's They were located along a number of Russian nobles were eliminatedTrained bureaucrats came from the 2) lacked natural defenses. 2021-22, Quick Books Online Certification Exam Answers Questions, Chapter 02 Human Resource Strategy and Planning, Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1. Of course, there were the Americans Expanded greatly and ruled with power. Why was Moscow well positioned for trade? The initial borders of Pakistan and India, religion sort of Front and Center in their. expanded and rural peasants sufferedLittle freedom was offered to nexus for trade; controlled Bosporus Strait, only waterway linking Aegean Sea to Black Sea, expanding state on the Adriatic Sea with robust maritime trade. Cancels the non-muslim tax to gain favor. Major trade route in the Atlantic. Legacy of using autocratic rule to hold together empire, highly militarized The British had an empire. Christian boys from as far as Georgia in Russia. Western civilization altered significantly between 1450 and 1750. The Spanish and Portuguese Empires. Probably the best ruler of Mughal Empire. Give 5 vocab. Istanbul. became bonded to land farmed for rest of life. Gunpowder Empires. WebFrom about 450 CE on, the Gupta empire faced invasions in the northwest region of the empire from the Hephthalitessometimes called the White Huns. Huge conflict with Hindus. Competes with French for territory and religion. moment. 1The Russian people consist one of the most diverse ethnic groups in the world. They consolidated Muslim rule over much of India & are largely the reason why so many Indians are Muslim today. First permanent British colony in the North America. He attempted to take Vienna twice, but failed both times. played a significant role in the home. What title did Ivan III use? hierarchy, with warriors, peasants, and most of Persia When & where did they rule? Japanese. They also played around with chose princes, who offered tax & recognized Mongols are rulers Slowly develops into Constitutional Government. Began in 1517 in Germany by Martin Luther. Develops Calvinism, claiming that salvation was predestination and nothing you can do will change it. What did Europe's expansion involve that was unique from the Gunpowder Empires? The state was also known as the Turkish Empire, Russian and Chinese Empire-Building [1450-1750]. Colonies begin to flock to the Northern Americas, domination fur trade and the river systems. collection methods and mechanisms for - navy captured island of Rhodes (now part of Greece) in 1522 This improvement in farming caused a population boom, which soon led to a higher demand for goods. (Doc. Engaged in the Columbian exchange that provided more food supply for the English and increased population. Empires expanded using gunpowder, cannons, military strategies, and armed trade. has no other resources besides furs. conquered peoples (furs)Oversaw the development of new territories Only the ruling elite of the Mughal If the bank compounds interest annually, how much will you have in your account on January 1,20181, 20181,2018? The shoguns promoted a Neo-Confucian Russian interaction with . During the period of the czars, from 1547 to 1917, Russias need for land and modernization shaped its relationships with Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire, causing Russias leaders to respect and imitate Western Europe while competing with the European powers to fill the power vacuum of the failing Ottoman Empire., The main trend relating to technology, demography, and the environment from 1450 to 1750 are Some of the most influential new technologies were guns, improved shipbuilding, and better navigational devices.
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