10 it became kind of the Holy Grail of the pipe tobaccos. Do your self a favor and try at least one tin you won't be sorry. Balkan Sobranie Mixture Tobacco Tin 50g $20.00 14 reviews Write a Review Previous Next Out of Stock Add to Wish List SKU: 100-7971 UPC: 781755017016 Availability: *Limit* Only 1 per order / person per day. Matched perfectly with the smoky and woody Latakia. Initial lighting the Orientals show their true floral, slightly spiced flavors. Better! |Radio Show On one hand I was glad I did, on the other I was sad because it was one of the few sachets circulating all over the world. The whole pouch seemed like a big pouch of black cav. 10+10 out of 10. In its aged form, I still prefer 759. Brand A - Z | Brand Z - A | Price Low - High | Price High - Low | Best Selling | New Arrivals Balkan Sobranie SKU: BALKSOB50 Limit 5 Per Customer Quick Specs View Your Price: $19.00 Temporarily out of stock. Supply < Demand, . Possibly both types of Latakia, maybe some unsweetened Black Cavendish, maybe a "smidgeon" of Deer Tongue or a pinch of Vanilla Cavendish, who knows? Really this is different tale, but the 40 year old stuff is the real deal as far as im concerned . If all this good smoke is coming from the tobaccos alone, that's incredible almost magical! Here you can really notice that there is more of the dark smoked leaf in the 2011 version. Yet at the same time, it is cool, smooth, soft, and velvetly. There is a constant swirl of flavors all in a perfect balance. They perfected Sobranie (which simply means ?parliament? In my book this blend scores 5 points out of 5, which equates to 4 well deserved stars. (Or by virtue of present supply, Sasieni). Track Order. It leaves a fine grey ash, and cakes poorly, so I tend to break my pipes in with something else. It was smoked easily until the end of the bowl. I love orientals, latakias, and Virginias, but burley gives me some trouble. It was, at that later time, a more piquant, far more acrid blend with other orientals added. In the present day, this has gone out of production and is considered the standard to which all balkans are measured. Smoking the mixture leaves you with what I would call a heavily clouded atmosphere of smoke left in your room that is similar to London Fog. I had the same experience with 759. We will deny any order we believe has been placed by a minor. The taste is a step past that center. Ah well, this is a blend so beloved, that many have tried to replicate it but none have succeeded for this very reason. This is a tobacco that evolved quite nicely as you progressed with you smoke, never got dull or sour. The blend smokes reliable from top to bottom with the flavor shift of full and soft to spicy then sweet/sour. Yes, WAS. Somehow, with all of that, it managed a very pleasant room note. A year later in 1966, I graduated to a curved Briar pipe and the Sobranie Original Mixture. Cost about $4. The tobacco came super-dry in the pouch and required almost a month of rehydration. After 45 minutes of drying I loaded it into a brand new Peterson 317 that had never been smoked. Aging has mellowed the virginia tobaccos while the orientals and latakia have become more pungent. I open one of my remaining stock every 10 years and will savor each bowl over the next few months. To be able to enter the world of English/Balkan mixtures this way, spoiled me. Peterson Pipe Tobacco RM 2E8Y7W8 - Balkan Sobranie Turkish Cigarettes. Best were proportionately milder, and the only one stronger than Best was Exotique, which was merely Balkan with some prime cigar leaf added. Personally, I've only tried two of them. It was truly like meeting an old friend, after many years of not seeing them, and picking right up where we left off. Sobranie, all in all, is a wonderfully rewarding smoke. Balkan Sobraine is the mix to judge any Latakia blend by. The orientals jump to the fore at the match, producing thick clouds of creamy, heavy smoke. This tobacco burns well and packs soundly in all of my pipes. This is a ?blue-collar? Secondly it is very balanced with each tobacco playing very well together. Balkan Sobranie is, perhaps, the most legendary pipe tobacco on the market. The heavy dense smoke floats lightly over the palate. 1981, transition year to the Gallaher production, good but really just not it. I've always been curious about which type of Latakia was used maybe both? Everything was perfectly balanced and smooth. Predominant Latakia did a good job of giving the mixture that full body which I like so much. Blended and aged in the British Isles, Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture is comprised primarily of Latakia with a mixture of Orientals, Virginias, and other fine tobaccos for a bold, earthy smoking experience with notes of spice and a mild sweetness. Germain & Son is the maker of some other legendary tobacco, Penzance. It was very simalar to the Original Mixture only much fresher and fuller in taste than those acient Tins you will find on ebay. Somewhat regarded as a classic and rightly so, however it has become somewhat degraded in recent years, no doubt a by-product of being taken over by the Gallaher tobacco conglomerate. If this was still available,I'd smoke it at least three time's a day.It must be around 30 year's since I first tried it & loved it!Recently a friend sent me some from the USA & it was like being reunited with your best & favourite friend that you have lost track of for many year's. Resembling the tobacco in my 1981 tin. If this were not a gift, I could not justify the outrageous prices I have seen ($100-165. Without question this was the most anticipated tin I have ever opened. The latakia did not hide, nor was it subtle. Creamy, smoky and sweet. The sample I got was aged, obviously. Free 877-70MILAN (64526) customercare@milantobacco.com It's got a nice beat, and I can dance to it - even if it's a slow dance over in a dark corner. Finally I snagged a few tins of this blend. Eventually I got myself a Churchwarden and took up the pipe. This is something everyone should try and find. I guess I first tried it nearly 35 years ago. However, it isnt one that is widely smoked or one most pipe smokers have even been lucky enough to try. Very fine shag (described as ribbon but is much more fine than most) cut in long strands. Balkan Sobranie $ 30.00. An all day smoke that lacks the depth and complexity of past manufactures. My first experience with this mixture dates to 1962 when I was given a tin by a friend who had been in London on vacation. White tin - real McCoy. I then flavored it in with the Syrian Latakia until it reached the smokiness I desired (I had some Sobranie on hand for comparison purposes). A few years ago I became curious about it and was of course shocked to find that original unopened tins were commanding over $100 on ebay. The last time I smoked the real Balkan Sobranie Original mixture was in Italy 2004 (still produced but not much distributed then). In my typically college age bulletproof life of 35+ years ago, I remember buying the weird knife top tin of this spectacular baccy in Peterson's on 42nd St in NYC. Packing and Lighting: easy to pack, but a little fussy to light. Is this the best tobacco in pipe history, as many smokers claim? There are reasons for so many accolades and sagacity for such a fine tobacco. People say 965 is the standard to judge English mixtures by. Nice english, occasionally a hint of soap on the lat. It was unavailable on any of the internet sites, so I called one of my local B&M suppliers and found he had 3 tins instock. I surmise that tobacco grown in the Balkan region has some affect on the flavor. It works for me. And, I will not ever, EVER, pay as much for a tobacco again. As good as this blend was, I still prefer both of the Pease blends mentioned. Not much piquant, pretty monochrome. A very smooth smoke that developed slowly and continuously. copyright intellectual property of the reviewer and STC Holdings LLC and may not be It contains sweetened black Cavendish and a fair amount of orientals and latakia, but I would not class it as a full Balkan. Purchased From: Some tobacconist in Spain. I always found its sister blends, RATTRAY?s Red Raparee and DUNHILL?s London Mixture more conservatively and more finely integrated; in comparison, Sobranie seemed a little bloated sometimes, a little relentless. . In all other respects, the tobacco is identical. Most of what you can buy in auctions today is dry to varying degrees, but I'll instantly transfer it to a Mason jar, wet a paper towel with distilled water, lay it over the top, seal the jar, and let it slowly rehydrate. in any case, all humor aside, it hasnt effected the quality of the smoke. Nope. It has a certain raw edge to it that I don't really care for, and I find it lighter in flavor. Otherwise who cares I will spend my tobacco money on something else!!!!!!! I packed and lit it up. Though it is still a very good tobacco, the industrialized process of its manufacture has forced it to join the ranks of those blends (Gold Block, Rich Dark Honeydew, Highland Sliced or Three Nuns plastic pouch) that can only be a pale reflection of their old selves. I never thought a blend containing Latakia could be enjoyed so much until I smoked The BSOM. I am not going into the subtle differences of these two blends of heaven. This is a review about the 2011 made by Germain Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture: Sometimes a product that is no longer available becomes legendary. Wonderful tobacco provided by one of the best online tobacconists. Sasieni, Macedonia Mixture, Odesa, and on and on. Browse by Category, Family & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update There are no products listed under this brand. The pouch aroma is very strong -- latakia and orientals. I can confirm that, while in decline, this blend is still a staple for any serious pipesmoker. Similar Blends: No other Balkan on the planet I've tried tastes as good but some have come close Really good stuff & I'm not a big Latakia fan but it facilitates this blend's sweet, creamy, smoky flavor. On July 1, 1968, Gallaher Tobacco acquired the blend and the trademarked name. The above review doesn't cover the current version. First, a bit of history learned from Joe Zieve, the founder of Smokers' Haven in Columbus, Ohio, where I went to Ohio State and, with a friend from Kent State, studied more with Joe than at school. Nic-hit was felt in the mouth and throat but nowhere else. Despite the pouch, the tobacco comes rather humid, and needs to be broken a bit to be packed correctly. Sampled from a fairly fresh 50g pouch which would be almost twenty years old by now. What can I say for me this is the gold standard for Balkans. So it was very perplexing when I got tongue bite, tongue bite, tongue bite. Purchased From: Pipestuds Consignment Shop. I loved it. As time went on and I matured, this blend slowly grew on me . Germain & Son has succeeded in producing a worthy version of the legendary Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture! Balkan Sobranie. This is SOMEWHAT of a comparision, understanding that I am comparing a new tin verses an aged tin and the 90's era Original Mixture was, by most accounts, not the best era of the blend. Digging my memories I still remember the great surprise I received from this incredible, incense-like, perfume. I never thought a blend containing Latakia could be enjoyed so much until I smoked The BSOM. 10 again One can only hope and pray.. Matter of personal preference. It was always ?caviare for the general?, and not, lately, much of a money-maker: English tastes, in this as in everything else, have become coarsened and vulgarised; and so, once it was deprived of its big American public, this blend simply became problematic and unprofitable. Maybe tobacco grown in the Balkan region has some affect on the flavor. And sometimes I cut in some Turkish. Four stars, because of its good quality and its history. Overall: A classic Balkan that I hope someone re-introduces again in its original form. Not a lot of spring. This is a gentle mixture that I'd smoke any time of day were it not for its rarity. If you air it out, the bite disappears. Only the name remains. ==Highly Recommended!== prep. That was at the age of 15 behind the cycle sheds at Grammar school. It is smooth but not overly so. But with the addition of straight cyprus Latakia about 33% seems to do the trick a very palatable smoke can be produced this is my tobacco. I simply do not like cigarettes and the foul smell and taste of such tobacco! The 2011 Chicago Pipe Show's "Balkan Sobranie Throwdown" was a competition to see who could produce a blend that most perfectly emulated the revered Balkan mixture. It's a classic balkan blend with very little virginia and lots of latakia and turkish yenidje. And I see no difference after the update and stuff. It was so unique, especially since I was smoking drug store brands of pipe tobacco. I've tried Balkan Sasieni, the current Balkan Sobranie, the current Best Blend from the current Smokers' Haven, and Balkan Sobranie throughout the '70s, '80s, 90's and '00s, as well as Margate (probably the currrent Best, as Germain now blends for Smokers' Haven, I've heard), Caravan, Penzance, McClelland's Yenidje Highlander and Yenidje Supreme (which lacks latakia), and countless other English/Balkan/Oriental blends from the late-lamented Dunhills to those corner tobacconist bulk-bought or hand blended attempts to clone Balkan. The smoky, woody, earthy, musty sweet Cyprian Latakia is the lead component. The cut is a fine ribbon, almost like shag with chunky bits of latakia visible. Very nice once-a-day smoke. I removed the cake of tobacco and set out to re-hydrate it thus: Placed in a kitchen type strainer (sieve) over a pot of boiling water for a few moments the tobacco softened. So many talented blenders out there these days who have put their spin on it and have done well! RYO cigs had become the rage, and we were always hitting the tobacconist for Drum, Three Castles, etc Well, I always went for the Sobranie White Pack. Judging by the crystals that encase the leaf, the blend had a good amount of natural sugars. I won't go into the more esoteric territories trying to describe it (others have done a good job on that already, both for the original and the reincarnation), suffice to say I do enjoy it, but not every day and in modest quantities. Men wept when the original supply was discontinued. Is it worth 100.00 a tin, no. Whatever or however the process, this is the Holy Grail of pipe tobacco. IMO, the 70s version, which is the oldest I have smoked, was outstanding. Under no circumstances did it live up to everything I have heard and read all this time, unless it is not the same blend any more. After having smoked Rattray's Black Mallory, Pease Caravan, Renaissance and Samarra, and Esoterica's Penzance, I now understand the difference between a Balkan and an English. The strength is mild to medium and nic is mild. Watch City's "Nor'easter" (Bulk by the Ounce) Watch City Tobacco Co. $5.49 Named for the infamous New England Winter . Maybe tobacco grown in the Balkan region has some affect on the flavor. I left out room note as I lived alone at that time. As time went on and I matured, this blend slowly grew on me . It's just really hard to find. My humble recommendation: Try the Sobranie or Sasieni in larger pipes that have been broken in with other "Englishes"?.These blends are a treat, and relights are uniquely satisfying. There is an acidic nuttiness like roasted walnuts, and a perfect sweetness as well. Again the Latakia had a tendency to separate but with a thorough mixing it is much improved of you stay vigilant! As with my girlfriend hehehe.. I now understand why so many bemoan the exodus of this from the US market. Give it some time to age, and it's easily one of the best Balkans on the market. The middle part was a bit heavier but still a good medium taste with a full room note and ample white smoke. Sponsored. Lights easily. I cannot emphasize enough how much I loved this. Finally, even the Saseini was taken over by Orlik a few years ago, closing the chapter on the book of Sobranie with finality. A smooth mellow blend that is simply delicious. I am a Latakia devotee and have combusted a number of Balkans and other Latakia infused blends over the years. Meticulously recreated by JF Germain in England. I managed to get hold of a pouch of this mixture and after carefully rehydrating it, went on a very pleasant trip down memory lane. I am going to smoke this tin. 4th Generation Pipe Tobacco I also liked other mixtures of Sobranie of London, like the rare Birdseye Cut, and the famous 759 for example. Something that was better in the pouch version. The virginias provide a solid backdrop for the supporting cast of Turkish tobacco of which, to my tastes at least, Smyrna (not izmir) is the star. My efforts were rewarded today with my first bowl ever of Balkan Sobranie. It was a full aroma latakia with a delightfully light body. Shopping Options No filters applied. The "Next" Balkan Sobranie is the blend that you and everyone else smoked and enjoyed but you all decided not to purchased in large quantities. Shows what they know. First the mixture is not homogeneous in any respect. Yet they did not update the tobacco selections. I don't know if he wholesaled GBD to other dealers in the U.S., but certainly he bought his stock directly, and at all times had just about every grade of every shape they made on hand and available in the periodic brochures he sent to those on his huge mailing list. And I am always happy to try and evaluate new mixtures. The smoke note however was more like what I remembered, though for a more accurate Proustian journey I will have to try to obtain an unopened tin from the 1960's if they still exist. Filters. This is the closest I have ever tasted to the original product. I remember this stuff from back when it was cool to smoke a pipe. The first time I tried this tobacco was recently; it was a 6 year old 50g packet that had been well kept. In fact, the difference might be compared to that between the Glenfiddich Scotch (sharp) and the Glenlivet Scotch (soft), albeit not so distinct?. Milan Pipe Tobacco This is perhaps the most interesting review thread on here, dedicated as it is to a legend rather than to anything that still exists. Esoterica Pipe Tobacco I suspect that one of the blending tobaccos was an unflavoured Cavendish. It is well blended. I'm missing it. . It's the same for Dunhill, Rattray and other traditional brands. A few pouches from the mid-nineties survive and I hope they keep well. Oriental tobacco was standardized and sold uniformly, no more to be readily had as the local varietals with exotic names. Pouch Aroma: Rich, woodsy, smokey, leathery, hints of nuts Packs: very easily Lights: Very easily. To my knowledge, the only other ingredient, that which imparted some of the creaminess and the hint of vanilla, was deer tongue, the leaf of a weed(!) This is my favorite in the old Sobranie line. |Privacy |Join Very good. The smoke was so creamy and rich, yet light and subtle, so sweet yet so interesting, it was magical. As far as Italy is concerned BSOM does remain the only mixture you can truly name "balkan". Note that the Royal Jersey Mixture has some Maryland, and will therefore have tin-aged differently than the others. I will prove the New Balkan Sobranie and I really wish they would have achieved a blend as good as the original, because I think just like that, honestly, never will be. It's the smokiest smoke I've ever had. Rattray's did not come close at all. Four stars despite the number of changes that occurred. I suggest trying to find your local brick and mortar because none of us will ever get it on here. Germain has really done a fine job with this blend, so much so that for my personal taste, the new era BS wins hands down! I remember smoking the tinned one a number of times and then the one in the metallic paper pouch. I finally summoned the courage to open the first tin. If all this good smoke is coming from the tobaccos alone, that's incrediblealmost magical! Orders over $95 in US, Safe Payments Once the ember gets going it gets much better. (I still haven't cracked the tins I recieved from him.) It was new and perfect one ! This one is smooth and bold with good sourness from the orientals and slight smoke from the Latakia. & Conditions | DMCA smokers to be superior. As another old codger, I am grateful for Leiconnsel's review below on this truly classic tobacco. It was really good, superior to Caravan, Balkan Supreme, Balkan Sasieni and just as yummy to me as P&W's #10 with a little more weight and a cooler temperment. Having said that, I want to be perfectly c lear I DO believe it is a solid tobacco blend worthy of some distinction. Well, not a real review, just sharing my story. The lighting, and smoking qualities are indistinguishable from the Sasieni. Wow. With the history and price tag/availability of this blend came concerns it could be a bit of a letdown but those were swiftly erased almost immediately after lighting my first bowl of Balkan Sobranie. Thousands of pipe smokers have been lamenting since. The virginias are of the higest grade. For some reason, this seems to be listed twice here, so this review is the same as the Sobranie of London entry. The balance of Virginias, Orientals & Latakia: favors the Orientals. Not everyone appreciated the room aroma. all of which I'll reach for before the new Balkan Sobranie. Originally there was Syrian latakia in it but for yeeaaars that was no longer the case.. I have smoked quite a few BS "matches" and none come close to replicating this blend. I was lucky enough to snag a couple of tins when the past shipment arrived. I opened this tin given to me as a gift by dm14 and I thank him for it. It lights easily, requires little maintenance and gives the most rewarding smoke I?ve had to date (I've not been smoking very long though to be honest!). In America these days, if I remember correctly, there's a bunch of funny self help ladies running around talking about 'Aroma-therapy'. but still smooth. Its hard not to look at the whole ball of wax and not say that this was one of best blends ever made. It just takes over the senses. Something about the mystique of the name made me click the "favorite" button but, oddly, I never reviewed it. Product: Sutliff Balkan Sobranie 759 Match Bulk. History. This stuff have cool somoke, something light and very rich. Actually another word comes to mind, but we'll leave it at junk for the younger more impressionable segment of our fellow readers. On lighting, I was struck by the overwhelming depth that is so rare in any blend these days and the distinctive taste of the special Orientals in this classic. The high quality of the tobacco in Balkan might have been just as important as the types of tobacco in it. The next thing I know, I have 4 pipes and about twelve blends of tobaccos in hand, along with a quick education from a master. Unflavored black Cavendish also bulk from "PW&W". All tobacco is made the old fashioned way. UPDATE: This mixture just has a taste of its own. I've never had tongue bite from a Balkan before. There aren't any really. leaves fingers a bit sticky from the natural tobacco oils, not from humectants. The winelike aroma of the virginias translates to the flavor and is sublime in the mix. It was all I'd hoped it would be and so much more! I think I prefer 759 more than this one. I hope that I hear something of it.. Who knows for sure, really? I simply loved the flavor. Exceptionally over-hyped based on the name alone. Almond butter, butter cream frosting, meringue, brown bread, plum pudding, candied fruit, pinot noir, armagnac. I was really interested in buying some, seeing how hard it was to come by. Now I am back to the pipe after a time out for raising two great sons. The strength is in the center of mild to medium. Still is. The flavor is rich, dark, smokey, spicy, somewhat like a cigar, but ever so much more complex. I kept the tin unsmoked for quite long time, just opening it and smelling that wonderful aroma. Is this THE Balkan Sobranie? The tobacco presents a fine white ash when burnt. A great blend, but there are blends available all year long that are just as good by GL Pease, and also his Drucquer and Sons blends. Product: Balkan Sobranie Balkan Sobranie 50g, Just a few hours after the e-mail, I miss it again, that only after a few hrs of being available it's again sold out While the ash was white, the pipe's heel usually got wet, which certainly demanded a pipe's traditional day's rest for every time smoked. I have tried may blends that claimed to be close to the blend,having never tried the original I could only base them on their own merits. Balkan Sobranie $ 19.95 This traditional mixture of rich Virginia, Latakia and rare Yenidje tobaccos is Sobranie's oldest blend and offers a mild yet rich taste. Simply amazing stuff, and I mourn that it's almost gone. Vintage The Balkan Sobranie Cigarette Empty Tin Box Made In England Opens in a new window or tab. It's in current production. Perhaps its uniqueness is one of the reasons why so many pipers love it. Virginias, and other fine tobaccos for a bold, earthy smoking experience with notes It was dry as dust, despite being sealed. During the Second World War Joe was stationed in England, where he visited Balkan Sobranie and made a deal with them to sell Balkan canned by them in London and labelled as Best, exclusively. They all have a little bit of the same taste, something typical Dunhill. During the pursuit of perfection, excellence was achieved. Well, it's nothing like the original one, but it still stands above the mass of English mixtures. Russia and settled for some time in the Balkans. Had a lightly lingering after taste and room note. The various component tobaccos weave a tapestry of flavors that seem to change constantly and there is enough Latikia to keep my attention. If it's true that this means a tobacco never is as good as when fresh, this tobacco must be magical, as it is as good or better than any balkan I've ever smoked. Tobacconists does not sell cigarettes on this site, nor do we sell tobacco Rather sweet base, campfire room note. It clings to itself almost like a shag. I'm glad I bought a tin at the price I paid for the novelty and to satisfy my curiosity, but there are plenty of comparable blends that are frankly more pleasing to smoke. It was a creamy, well rounded smoke with the perfect balance of Latakia, Virginias and Oriental tobacco. But, I don't care. So if you are going to feed me, feed me but don't dangle a carrot in front of me and then take it away because it makes me angry. 2011.. Arango Cigar Co. became the one that acquired the rights of Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture. If you have a chance to try some, by all means, do it. http://www.puff.com/forums/vb/general-pipe-forum/109613-homemade- balkan-sorbanie-original-mixture.html. Because it is so hard to secure, I tend to only allow myself its indulgence at special times (while on vacation, reunionsnew additions to the family, etc.) This blend is the peak for me: 10+ out of 10! Every bowl. Similar Blends: My favorite, Wilke's Crystal Palace. Not sure what to make of this. It was the perfect blend IMHO. Leaves the bowl clean and dry, and leaves a clean refreshed smoky palate. (By the way, the letters die-stamped on GBDs indicated which subcontracted carver had done the pipe after initial curing. On one hand I was glad I did, on the other I was sad because it was one of the few sachets circulating all over the world. |Pipe Shows, |Pipe & Tobacco Reviews I have just recently secured a few 50gram packets of "Balkan Sobranie" Original Smoking Mixture. He was instrumental in my starting to smoke a pipe in the early 80's as he hated my cigarette habit. Why on earth did they stop selling this stuff in America? The light unflavored soda note or two along with some dry wood, earth, floralness from the yenidje is always noticeable. More's that pity that it is now defunct. The orientals are definitely the main player here, they're spicy and complex. BSOM has been the very first meeting with latakia mixtures (the second was the John Cotton's 1&2). Maybe these are the good old days! BUT it is a very nice baccy all the same; mild, well-behaved and very smooth indeed. Is it inexpensive?
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