There were several short affairs, in one, a woman Mercury was in love with Mars, but did not make sufficient effort to hold his attention. A self-centered Mercury makes an indifferent use of Saturn or takes advantage of him. They parted in cold loathing of each other. Description of the conjunction aspect between the Sun and Saturn.This is about Synastry, not composite charts Saturn fears anything that threatens the initial bond they formed and sees any signs of growth on Mercurys part as a threat to that bond. This synastry aspect indicates that in the past life, there . [p] There are several long term friendships in the examples where the two shared work or social action. [p] Mercury has the choice of how much endurance the association will have. [Note that a commitment doesnt necessarily literally mean marriage. The validity of what you communicate, concentration on syntax, and realism is emphasized. even if the relationship is harming one or both of the partners. Synastry:Mars-MarsAspects [p] They come together to share, or experience at the same time a quality or condition that is idealic, or that holds a note of mystery or scandal. [p] A married woman had Mercury conjunct Neptune of a male friend who fell in love with her. At the time of the progression he was producing his first movie, a fantasy set to music. Most likely, this couple has met before and is here to work out their karma. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, [p] If both persons are able to change their personal situations to build common experience and communication, the exchange is beneficial to both. Venus conjunct Ketu: Venus is the wife or lover. Square energy represents blocked energies in a synastry chart- and with this aspect, Saturn's cold and serious nature tends to be amplified. Your Saturn partner listens well, guides, and disciplines you in mostly pleasing ways. They meet by chance. She was pursuing her private dream in psychich research. [p] A psychologist had Mercury square the Pluto of a patient. He's heavily disciplined at home, but he'll make out all right." (They also had Mercury split parallel Mercury.) Ugh. In fact, anything that happens outside of the relationship in the area represented by the personal planet can be seen as a threat to the exclusive bond the couple had at the beginning of the relationship. Other times it is loyalty, devotion or generosity. [p] The progressions show a particular time when Saturn was hard working, mature and responsible, had a grief or loss, was poor or in debt, or was ailing, physically or mentally. Saturn may not even be aware of this unconscious reaction to Moon. [p] The progressions have one case of an actress with Mercury square the M.C. In two cases Mars was killed after living for 20 and 30 years with Mercury. In this case, the womans Mars formed a square to the mans Saturn. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries Gemini In another case a Mercury man lost his reputation when his girl friend Saturn had an abortion. [p] A man with Mercury opposition the Pluto of a young woman forced a drug on her, prior to sexual assault. In the beginning, there can be a real feeling of mutual respect regarding how each person uses his or her brain, how they communicate, and how they think. It will also help them to navigate difficult aspects between them. If they had, one or both of the persons would have been ruined. The Sun conjunct Saturn transit will be a time of hard lessons and an awareness of the fears that cripple our potential. [p] A mature and unselfish Mercury will help Saturn through grief or loss, poverty or problem, job or work. There were hidden levels that the two were unable to exchange. [p] When there is a question regarding the Mercury-Mars possibility of injury, careful attention must be given to the radical and progressed charts of both persons for bad health or accident proclivities. The Saturn person may exercise some kind of control over the personal planet person some form of restriction. Idk how he is with others. [p] Because their circumstances are so propitious there is an occasional love affair that is gone into so easily, it has repurcussions of guilt and resentment. SYNASTRY: MERCURY IN PARTNERS HOUSE. Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Lets explore Moon-Saturn interchart aspects as another example. Often their conflicting responsibilities kept them apart. Mercury fell through a glass shower door that slashed her back; Mars was in a fiery car accident in which she suffered 720" of second and third degree burns. [p] There are several examples when Mercury took the opportunity, not of construction, but of sheer destruction. The year that they met Mercury had a bloody accident in cutting her hand, and a car accident. They would separate for months to years at a time, and come together again at the time of a subtle inversion of change in their life patterns. MERCURY CONJUNCT MOONMercury has an instinctive familiarity with the moods and feelings of the Moon. [p] A self-centered, cautious Mercury will coldly abandon Saturn to his own burden. Wow! Saturn generally is the one who wants the bond to be exclusive, and although the personal planet person generally wants the same thing, that personal planet person feels enormous pressure to be a certain way and feels like he or she is not free to express him or herself in a natural and dynamic manner. No. With decision and initiative he can easily arouse Mars' energy to whatever he desires. [p] There is one example of two people who met in a philosophy class, had a brief clash of hostility (Mercury N parallel Mars) and separated. [p] When he takes no effort, the chance is lost in the passage of time. [p] A priest with Mercury opposition the Pluto of a young woman worked with her in church groups and personally supported her through a period of reversing her aspirations to a courageous and noble decision. Moon Conjunct Venus will never stop loving each other. [p] Two adult women with Mercury conjunct Moon shared many years of domestic crisis, joys and sorrows. Reacting defensively to each other will only exacerbate the problem. [p] A woman had Mercury conjunct the Moon of her husband's best friend. [p] The conjunction is neutral in itself. With maturity, Mercury was able to acknowledge his mother with an understanding that led to cooperation. Where Mercury does have concern for the Moon's physical or mental health or welfare, there are obstacles to block his sympatico. Click Mercury Registered: Dec 2012 . [p] In one case a marriage dissolved because Mercury made no effort to sexually or socially reach agreement with his Mars wife. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects The Pluto person enjoys the humor and the thoughts of the Mercury person. Their production was handicapped by limited funds, inadequate sets and crew. This is not a combination that encourages flowing or superfluous conversations between you. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 They can maintain association at a certain level or at intermittent times. MERCURY TRINE PLUTOMercury spontaneously falls into a cooperative contact with Pluto. unfortunately I have this with my boyfriend and experienced it the most with my ex (mars opp pluto is an exact aspect). This goes both ways the Saturn person is less threatened, and the personal planet person less defensive when faced with Saturns restricting energy. With one, the aspect moved out and the couple married. In short, this sucks. [p] He divorced his wife, resigned his public post to go into business, and they married. His indifferent attentions did not wear well, so another more amourous suitor took the girl away. With repeated experiences in which the personal planet meets a critical or cold response from Saturn as a result of a spontaneous comment or action, the personal planet begins to censor himself or herself, and spontaneity is lost. [p] When Mercury develops a contact based on coercion, the subsequent inversion will leave nothing of value. [p] In some examples, the two people clash in a mutual identification of hostility patterns. Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts [p] One of the women was his mother. She was not involved in the sex club but knew of its existence. In other cases, the understanding and identification is in their passions. Aquarius [p] When the two put in a common responsibility toward their relationship, it was easily satisfactory. [p] There are beautiful examples of firm relationships where there is an equal exchange of nourishment and care, trust and tenderness. represents. There is a possibility that someone whose Mercury is in your 8th House is playing the role of the trickster in your life. Thanks. This can be just as threatening to Saturn, who finds security in that initial bond that felt exclusive and special, whereby Mercury and Saturn came together with a mutual understanding that they turned to each other for advice and inspiring conversations. [p] Wealth is not always measurable in financial figures. Mercury at some time has sparks fly, or rejects Mars. of his director. no doubt about it. [p] A son with Mercury opposition his mother's Saturn cared for her financially from the age of 17 when his father died, to the time of her death 30 years later. [p] In a number of the examples one or both smoked marijuana or took hallucinogenic drugs. The other son was a serious, responsible boy. MERCURY SQUARE PLUTOMercury is strongly drawn to coercion or cooperation with Pluto. There are obstacles to making their contact public, or else an incompatibility in their reputations. [p] A man with Mercury square the Pluto of his wife joined the church choir with her. This will likely be a joyful and expansive relationship for you. When the business was totally lost to creditors, Mercury's attitude was. Each has importance and significance in their own environment; when together they tend to clash. They were well-suited for each other, as they fit each other's ideals of pleasurable exchange, as well as having the innate ability to work well together. Mercury put her energy and courage into taking care of him. The Saturn person is not as inclined to criticism or control. The sexual exchange is dynamically passionate and satisfactory in both the heterosexual and homosexual examples. Mercury is very curious. [p] The conjunction is neutral in itself. Capricorn [p] The majority of examples were family or family friends, in-laws, or friends living together. It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are. In long term relationships, the Saturnian partner is the one who is the most likely to crave, expect or ask for more . The way they think and talk fascinates them. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn is the most important period of life since it always happens around the age of 29, when you begin to be older and totally responsible for your destiny. His look would say, What the heck is wrong with you? Sometimes, he wouldnt just pass her a disapproving or superior look. At the least this may be a helping hand, or a service that Jupiter pays for. The Mercury person may, in some ways, look up to the Saturn person, who tends to display a rather mature way of thinking that Mercury admires. [p] Some of the examples are distinctly a threat to the reputation, as in secret love affairs, use of drugs, or business dealings that could not stand too much investigation. The male-female contacts tend more to a fraternal relationship. The contact does not seem strong enough to withstand any trauma. But it's still frustrating (pluto = too many power struggles. The premise is, "We will cooperate for this height, or depth, or we will separate." The two of you will be quite talkative with ea. [p] The most harmonious relationship of Mercury square Pluto has some nature of coercion in it. Saturn offers practical advice and tips that truly improve Mercury's life. With little or no effort Mercury can get what he wants from Mars, but without satisfaction to the depth of his passions. Moon conjunct Ketu: Moon is the mother. But the truth of the matter is, given the depth of the attachment to each other, there is much to gain from working on the intimacy issues described above. There are examples of antipathy as well as affinity, brief contact as well as endurance. In other cases Mercury underrated M.C. While Mercury is usually a helpful planet and helps with communication, this planet has another, less savory role. In truth, the bond is likely still there from the point of view of Mercury. In some cases they build a mature respect for each other that is enduring. the moon person tends to understand the Saturn persons serious . Mercury had a baby bleed to death at birth, Mars had a baby stillborn. Their initial acknowledgement of each other draws them together. This still may be costly in some way, usually to Mercury. Both were in a period of inverting their former patterns, he in his work, she in her expressions of self will. The Saturn person in the relationship. I'm a chatty texter. He passed her a look of disapproval when she broke into giggles at something that wasnt coming from him. Mercury Conjunct Square or Opposite Your Partners Jupiter. Mercury might feel childish or not bright enough. He easily gives deference and credit for both the character and position of the Sun. Karma is associated with Saturn, where the personal planet person feels some sort of personal debt to the Saturn person. The Jupiter person will give great advice to the Mercury person, and will be very supportive of the Mercury person's ideas. There are few marriages in the examples. The marriage endured for their lifetimes. Hyatt Place New Taipei City Xinzhuang. Saturn resists change, and feels threatened by it. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. If the progression occurs in an established relationship, it indicates a period of conflict or hostility. [p] In several cases, Mercury attempted a work and social cooperation with Pluto, but met a coercive experience of covetry. [p] Though the potential threat is there, the Mercury square M.C. Mercury may look to Saturn for advice, and Saturn responds with much enthusiasm, delighting in helping Mercury, and even teaching him or her. [p] Over a period of 22 years Mercury and Mars had various episodes of trauma separately, within a few years of each other. Powered by Infopop 2000 That's my idea of editing heaven. Even as children, their everyday experiences took different patterns; their moods and temperament conflicted. Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry suggests that the personality of the ascendant person is highly compatible with the mind of the Mercury person. Does Saturn truly benefit from this kind of censoring? His Saturn Pluto is conjunct my south node. [p] When Mercury is gentle and protective of the Moon, there is a responsive exchange. This can take the form of criticizing the energies expressed by the personal planet person. So recently I've been interested in a new guy so I had to look up our synastry. He was married, she was not. I'm hoping that when I stop or let go of this I have completed the karmic dance. In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry . [p] The people who take drugs have Mercury to Jupiter aspects as this is often a new expansion of experience or indulgence. [p] There was one period during their marriage when they had a scandal. Synastry:SunConjunctDescendant [p] A marraige with this aspect maintained a cooperative level for many years until the deepest inner needs of the two began to conflict. Mercury has a familiarity with Jupiter's manner of expansion. [p] A student had Mercury square the Pluto of his teacher in spiritual ethics. [p] A man with Mercury trine the Saturn of his employee easily gave the younger man a variety of responsibilities. [p] With the Mercury trine Mars aspect, the chance for a constructive relationshup comes so easily that Mercury seldom puts any more effort into the matter than circumstances call for. Most of them endure pleasantly and beneficially. Taurus [p] They come together to share, or experience at the same time a matter of cooperation for their mutual benefit (or for a greater general good) or a coercive experience. [p] There is a vigor, a stimulation between the two people. In the early stages of their relationship, the woman found the man very funny. It was a stable, dutiful marriage, if a lonely one for both of them. [p] The progressions have examples of friendship on an intermittent basis of contact. The two people may have a steady contact in a work environment with a responsible endurance of duty; or they have at some time a problem or grief between them. Also, sag_stellium- it seems like there's a ton of negative energy between you two. [p] In the majority of examples, the Mercury N parallel Mercury implies affinity, but without a depth of conscious understanding on a communication level. [p] Apparently many people need this discipline, for we have, suprisingly, long term contacts in marriage, family and business. also, two synastry aspects that I absolutely have distaste for are mars opposite pluto and venus opposite pluto. From his own experience Mercury understands or identifies with Jupiter's faith and hope, religion or philosophy, wealth or prestige. There was sufficient exposure to send him to prison. MERCURY SEXTILE NEPTUNEMercury has the ability to see the ideal quality of Neptune. Important Note: Personal planets overlaying the tenth house of a partners chart can express similarly, where the tenth house person takes on a Saturnine role to the personal planet person. [p] If there is any hostility or disappointment it is because one or the other cannot supply the demand for depth of passion. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. There was an occasional critical disagreement, or a trauma or minor injury to Mercury or Mars. In a long-term marriage, a man had Mercury conjunct his wife's Neptune. [p] The majority of examples are harmonious. They were not "problem children" in any sense of the phrase. Married 42 years. Where they reach an understanding or identification of this, the full expression of their spiritual aspirations, or their dark areas, does not blend. We have all seen Saturn in synastry at work in some shape or form. [p] In some cases Mercury overrated M.C. Saturn can be serious about the moon persons feelings and often seeks to react and manage them in a mature and genuine way. Often the exchange reamins a secret to the public, where no more than a few people ever know the extent of what happened. [p] The Mercury square Saturn is primarily a responsible, responsive exchange. [p] The severest examples have underhanded deceit, cold loathing, or tragedy. [p] The various problems that Saturn had were in health, injury, loneliness, harsh discipline, over-work, poverty, divorce, death in the family, jail, or psychological difficulties. [p] The progressions are subtle. Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry indicates an intellectual connection in the first place. Feb 25, 2018. Often there was a criticism or discredit between them. Sagittarius The position of the synastric Saturn in your natal chart shows where and how your partner will tend to oppress and restrict you; the evolutionary level of their Saturn will show how precisely they will . They cooperated in a mutual trust and benefit, in that Mercury rented Pluto's house. This is your first Saturn return. There were several dynamic attractions, where Mercury began a love affair with Mars that lasted a shroter time than the progression. She broke into giggles at his jokes, and she expressed to him how she never laughed so much with a person in her life. These aspects play out over time and often manifest in clear stages. In several cases the two people went into totally new experiences together that expanded their horizons and philosophy. [p] There are a few examples in which the two overcame obstacles of distance or diversity to cooperate for good in spiritual aspirations. There were secret love affairs that were ecstatic and erotic; and one case of secret abortion of a pregnancy. When your Mercury forms a challenging aspect (square, opposition, or quincunx) to your partners Saturn, there may be strong elements of teaching and learning in your relationship, as well as a deep respect for each others intelligence. Liz Greenes book about Saturn includes Saturn in synastry. Pluto finds Mercury intriguing. MERCURY SQUARE SUNMercury is strongly drawn to the authority and strength of character of the Sun, but there is an ego incompatibility that implies conflict. There is a certain time when the way is clear for the, to build a mature exchange. MERCURY TRINE MARSMercury desires some action or response from Mars. [p] In some of the examples the obstacles are such that Mercury cannot give Saturn the type of help he needs. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. They had a warm and easy exchange of sympatico, in that they both understood wuite well her husband's bad and good qualities. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. For the most part Mercury has the greater abundance of some quality or condition. More frivolous qualities of Mercury are . There is an easy and natural affinity, as Mercury is proud of the Sun. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects Saturn does not feel comfortable with that initial bond changing, or what he or she perceives as changing. When he makes no effort to develop a deeper understanding, or when he has an ego or integrity clash with the Sun, the contact dissolves as easily as it formed. It was she who fired his full passion of devotion to the general good. The insidious criminal force of this event placed Mercury in the position of necessary cooperation with the police to investigate his father's hidden activities. In every case there is some period of tension or excitement. Moon may also feel the need to censor self-expression, feeling almost like a child facing a disapproving adult. [p] Often the subtlety of the aspect is such that it reamins a secret to the public. [p] In several examples of marriage, friendship, and business exchange, Mercury did credit Saturn with stability, maturity, and capacity. [p] The exchange can be on any Neptunian level. like ever. MERCURY SQUARE VENUS[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY SQUARE MOON[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY CONJUNCT MOON[Has already been requested and posted]. [p] The two people can blend for a period of time, but the circumstances of their diversities are such that each must express his primary patterns in his own separate area. You both push each other to think in broader terms and open each other up to a new way of thinking. Mercury has at some time, or often, a similar domestic situation to that of the Moon. There is a really strong bond with Saturn conjunct the other person's . [p] In these examples we have a fraternal contact of ten years cohabitation, friendships and business acquaintances of longer periods. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. The Mercury person may, in some ways, look up to the Saturn person, who tends to display a rather mature way of thinking that Mercury admires. [p] This is the greater malefic in the most discordant aspect. [p] In the progressions there were varying degrees of cooperation for a broad area of general good and mutual benefit. There will be pressure, especially on the part of the Mercury, to change. [p] The progressions show a period of time when the two people may be very close as Mercury responds with comfort or assistance to Saturn's difficulties. There was an example of rape. Any study reflects the time in which it is taken. i did a lot of research but couldn't find an interpretation of it on the net, but I'm very intrigued by it. This is the couple that quickly falls into a routine though they barely know each other. There is usually an exchange of protection and trust, nourishment and care of each other. These were ethical groups, musical groups, or work teams, etc. Although parallels are likened to conjunctions, when Saturn is parallel a personal planet in synastry, the interplay is easier than the conjunction. He can't embrace his unconscious issues and I'm worn out. [p] In the various cases, Saturn's difficulty may be in business efforts, over-work, loneliness or poverty, death in the family, depression or discouragement. [p] In one example, a woman with Mercury conjunct a man's Jupiter, paid 45000.00 to get him out of a legal bind at the time of this progression. They could also create a family really fast. They often withdrew from each other in sharp disagreement, but returned to work again on a common level of construction, in which they had understanding and identification. Synastry:Venus-NorthSouthNodeAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Topic: Saturn conjunct Saturn in synastry: GirlMercury Knowflake . [p] Two love affairs were begun at this time. These people feel closely connected. [p] When Mercury has the highest aspirations he can build a constructive relationship for the general good. The most exact aspect in our charts is Mercury Square Saturn (he is Mercury, I am Saturn, the Orb is 0'09). Saturn could have handled the job more efficiently than the other man. [p] In his early years at college, he met the other woman to whom he had the Mercury conjunct Pluto. Your conversations may be on the dry or serious side at times, however. just look at one of these you download, and you can see under planet positions the declination tables at the very end there, and see that N (north) or S (south) is designated after the number there. However, it can have its fair share of ups and downs. [p] The majority are family relationships, neighbors, people who lived together, or people who are brought together by a member of the household. Only in the case of multiple N parallels of several planets is the bond strong enough to withstand the pressures that tend to divide them. The two can easily reconcile their differences with a little effort. Sun conjunct South Node (Ketu): Sun is the power.The person was in authority over you. by presenting a note of dishonorable conduct, or by fear that their association would hurt hiw own reputation. Mercury in 8th House Synastry. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. He would say things like, I really dont know why you find that so funny. As time passed, a dark cloud formed above the couple. [p] When Mercury is indifferent, or covert, he may lose the benefit entirely. The actress receied national accliam for a movie role at the same time that she and her mother received discredit for their personal relationship. Mercury managed the business, Saturn put up the capital. I can only imagine the square being more difficult. Posts: 73 From: Chicago, IL USA Registered: Nov 2012: posted January 29, 2013 04:45 PM . Saturn can feel mighty threatened by this simple experience. As time goes on, inevitably Mercury will excitedly share an experience wherein he or she had an enlightening conversation with a friend outside of their relationship. They are accustomed to diverse environments and associations. that's all that means! The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Pisces. even though my mercury is in aries and his is in virgo -- it is like our mercurys are conjunct. of her mother. [p] Mercury did not always choose to take the responsible step. [p] The majority of examples show two people who could so easily give each other security and stability. It is certainly easier to learn from each other this way. [p] The Mercury square Moon progressions show a period of time when Mercury is drawn into domestic contact with the Moon, or has concern for his health and welfare. From what I've gathered, Mercury feels childish in the presence of Saturn; the aspect basically leads to a lack of communication. [p] The progressions hold examples of drastic coercive force that separated the two, as well as examples of periods of intense cooperation. [p] There are only four examples where the contact is not set in the home environment. Mercury may offer work, stability or security at a time when Saturn has difficulties. both of these aspects introduces obsession and abuse, in one form or another. Mars - astrology meaning Mars symbolizes the need to get what we want. A balance is possible, as the personal planet person may benefit from Saturns impositions, at least ones that are not purely based on fear.
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