She brought Rosenberg there for a moment to talk, but then sent her back to Owen. The Beyonder was driven into complete despair, and took to drinking. Kosmos takes on a female form and is tutored by Kubik, touring the universe with him. He said that with death gone, there was no longer any point to life. Kubik appreciated and encouraged her questions about her place in the multiverse; it was unclear where exactly Kubik and Kosmos fit into this hierarchy of power. First, it is unclear when it takes place. For his recklessness, the Beyonder was punished, although very leniently: the Living Tribunal exiled him and forced him to remain in his own universe, where he once again was bored with life, because everything was just him. Frank became obsessed with Earth gadgets at this time as well, buying or making hordes of Cuisinarts, motorcycles, and the like. Phoenix. Reed attacks Doom, the other heros aid Reed while Ben asks them to hold their assault. He is one with the universe! The an event,which we will discover later,opened a hole into our universe,and he saw Earth. Dracula finally brings the Beyonder/Goblin Queen to Havok's location, and Havok comes out and attacks, buoyed by the power of several mystics and other characters. In the case of the Puma, he had the power of the entire universe behind him, but the Beyonder was more powerful than our entire universe, so in terms of direct power, it shouldn't have been enough. He started to grow inside the machine, and was a fetus when the heroes arrived back. When Black Cat's father returned to the Red Skull he relized that he had been tricked into serving the evil intentions of the villian. [23], Months later, the Beyonder arrived on Earth to continue his study of humanity and of desire. Loki defied Those Who Sit Above in Shadows, and even put into question their origin and existence, by asking if the gods such as the Asgardians actually came from the stories that have been told about them, so it was possible that the gods of the gods did not create them in the first place. [39] He also lost part, or all, of his power on various occasions, some of them engineered by himself. AzureSky2099 [1], The Beyonder encountered the Defenders in their journey into the "Mystery" beyond the Far Shore, outside the Multiverse. In addition, Eternity itself would be the gunner for the weapon. He teleported the two of them back to the heroes' site. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, The X-Men's Greatest Adversary is Now the Last of His Kind, 10 Justice Leaguers With Powers That Make No Sense. Bereft of another host, the cosmic energy creates The Beyonder and imbues him with all the wisdom, power, and purpose of The Beyonders. large insect like robots had been hidden in the desert sands assault the two,but are quickly defeated. He went to talk to Vinnie about it, but all he could do, now that he was controlled, was offer platitudes of obeisance. Reed reasoned that if the Beyonder killed Doom, instead of sending him back in time, he would destroy the continuum of history, and perhaps not even the Beyonder could survive that. Arrowverse The Anti Monitor makes his live-action debut in the Arrowverse adaption. [14], Aboard the constructs the passengers watched in awe as the galaxy nearest to them was annihilated by an unseen force, except for a single star. Additionally, readers can behold The Beyonder's appearance for the first time, discovering a mysterious clothed in celestial light. It'sugly! The flashback sequence ends with Deadpool chasing him into a portal with a footnote saying "to be continued in Secret Wars III". The Beyonder was created by Jim Shooter and first appeared in Secret Wars #1. Following Secret Wars and Secret Wars II, the Beyonder experienced many notable retcons. (His appearance happened to stymie an attack on Alpha Flight by Omega Flight.) They went to the home world of the Celestials, which was like a boardwalk in which all kinds of aliens had sent up shop, hawking souvenirs to tourists that had come to see the space gods. He was so angry that he unleashed a multiversally-destructive bolt of energy--which Reece then quietly fixed. The Beyonder then returned to his original bar to do more drinking. Who Is The Beyonder? Marvel's Most Powerful Villain Explained - Screen Rant The Beyonder was sponsoring a cult of Cosmic Oneness, and the Puma believed that its director, Barry Foxxe, was the Beyonder. This statement was the prologue to a war between the two groups, as the villains attempted to fulfill the Beyonder's mission, and the heroes simply tried to return home. Doctor Doom, however, did not help matters. Doom found that his stolen power was not enough; the Beyonder was beating him. Until this be gained we can never know, we can not even prophesy the capacity and power of women for the uplifting of humanity.Susan B. Anthony (18201906). Marvel's Most Powerful Cosmic God Did Drugs with Two Forgotten TV Stars - Yes, Really. They merge and shape themselves into a Cube. The Beyonder was not in a mood to be trifled with, and was about to destroy Doom, whom he apparently didn't recognize, when Reed Richards stopped him. He had never possessed a true form of his own before, but now he created for himself a physical form that resembled a composite of the bodies of various participants in the "secret war," in order that he could walk amongst humanity and fulfill his own desire for experience in this world. Finally he released her from his control, at which point she told him how his respect for her had led her to leave the life of the streets and get a real job. [5], The Molecule Man later reiterates the same thing, while also revealing that the accident that gave him his power and the "child Beyonder" his awareness was engineered by the Beyonders. What Beyonder powers could it be? While they walk around they are invited to Dr. Dooms castle. He found a nearby seedy hotel and got a room, sleeping on the floor. Beyonder claims that the war is over and teleports everyone to space. Secret Wars introduced fans to the celestial god known as The Beyonder. [2] A hole was poked into the Beyonder's universe which caused him to be aware of the Marvel Universe. For unknown to the others, the energy he had sent out of our world went back to the Beyond-realm, where it cooled like our own Big Bang. It was then that he realized that the Beyonder wasnt the galactic entity of unknown origin that he presented himself to be. The retcon does better explain the link between the Molecule Man and the Beyonder. [12] After being visited by Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds, two sentient Cosmic Cubes, the Beyonder merged with the Molecule Man to become a new Cosmic Cube. He appeared in his silvery armored form which he had once used in the Avengers. The machine was then to rapidly age his infant form into an adult and release him. The Beyonder, however, summoned Death to a restaurant, where he poured a cup of his godly power, which would destroy her. But as the name suggests, it's mainly used by Odin. Once again he used the too-manipulative approach he tried with Dazzler, giving her gifts: making her beautiful, older, without powers. He sent down an enormous blast of energy from the heavens that destroyed everything in its pathexcept that the Molecule Man had saved a bit of energy, and managed to not only save all the heroes, but also put every other living thing in the path of the blast into subspace. He knew he needed a friend like Tabitha. Cloak and Dagger followed, and took down the dealers, but not before they had given him the heroin. While this version of the Beyonder wasn't as powerful as the original Pre-Retcon Beyonder, he shares the same feats, this is because because beings of higher power allowed him too. He brought her back to her time in the future, trying to talk her through her feelings of guilt and rage. By the time Mephisto planned to drop his contract with Thing, nearly all of the Legion Accursed were defeated. With this in mind, readers have ample opportunity to discover the celestial god for themselves. The Beyonders are what Doctor Doom calls "linear beings". The Molecule Man, however, convinced the Beyonder that existence was meaningless without death, and so the Beyonder brought Death back into existence by using his power to kill the reporter Dave, who willingly sacrificed his life. Beyonder then tells Iron Man, Thor, and Loki to stick to being part of his experiment or else they'll get what Hulk got. However, the Thing found out, and insisted that the Beyonder be allowed to join, and that they wrestle as soon as possible: he wanted revenge for what happened to him on Battleworld. Powers and Stats He sought his power, but this is far, far, more than even he can bear. In his battle with Owen Reece, after he had transformed into Kosmos but Reece reverted him into his old Beyonder form, their battle affected distant galaxies, distant time periods, and other dimensions. This time they were overwhelmed, and were only able to defeat the Dragon by sacrificing the life-force of Valkyrie, Andromeda, Manslaughter, and Interloper. To explain the events of Secret Wars I and II that seemed to contradict this, Kubik explained that at least some of them had been illusions, created by the other cosmic entities. He next visited Peter Parker, of whom he said, "I like you better than anyone I've met!" Extra-dimensional teleportation using his own power. This accident was of such importance for all of existence that it pierced through from our universe to "his," creating a pinhole through which he could peer through. [51][full citation needed], In Mutant X, the Beyonder allies with Dracula to wage war on Earth's forces and to confront the entity known as the 'Goblyn Queen'. This, in conjunction with the fact that he thinks Black Bolt died long ago raises the possibility that he is actually coming from a future timeline somehow. Some are tapped into by various beings, including Skrulls and humans, to create reality-warping Cosmic Cubes. He has the power to kill even me!" on 10/17/22 He began a life of vice, gaining weight until he realized how bad it looked. Spider-Man shows a bit of envy as he witnesses the new found connection between Black Cat and the Captain. He claims that through the Beyonder's power he had had attained the only thing he wanted in life, total control. After observing for some time, he decided to precipitate the first Secret Wars, in which he teleported numerous heroes and villains from Earth to battle each other. It turned out that the Secret Wars I-era Beyonder, sensing that Doom was dead in that time, brought him back from the current time and put this current Doom into place in the Secret Wars. He appeared in an amalgam form, based on the many heroes that fought on Battleworld. Spider-Man, Lizard, and the Fantastic Three make their way to Dr. Dooms kingdom. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. Cap attacked Doom, and Doom easily disintegrated him. [15] The Beyonder later meets the blind superhero Daredevil and restores his ability to see, asking for legal representation in return. Peter did his best to explain the way the finite length of time we have on earth affects the way we act, and the Beyonder eventually left, saying that he may have talked him out of obliterating existence. Then several of Earth's heroes found him and attacked. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other It was a desperate gamble, to say the least. He was awakened by an enormous release of power during a battle between the Earth-616 Havok, who had been transported to this universe some time ago, and the psychotic Earth-1298 Captain America, who was also an energy-wielding powerhouse. Meanwhile, Owen Reece, who had been watching events, was glad that he had not needed to step in and take action--or definitively decide not to take action. However, his despair led him to a need for enlightenment, and he sought out Dr. Finding himself in a blank void of nothingness, Loki is confronted by Those Who Sit Above in Shadows, allegedly the creators of the Asgardians, who demanded to be given the Asgardians' essence to feed on it. Seeing Kubik's love for Kosmos, the Molecule Man reverted back to Owen Reece and restored Kosmos. The Beyonder also empowered the Guardians to help in the assault. [18], Subsequently, the Beyonder gave himself a body identical to that of Captain America. By overlapping two people's appearances, even if they are disguised, the Astrologer can determine if whether or not the two are the same person. First he had an affair with a beautiful woman named Sharon Ing. Then he decided to show off, and started a fight with them. Strange creatures come from a vortex and fly towards Ben. She was apparently completely unsurprised to see him use his powers, and because of her lifetime of hard experience began to tell him many of the hard truths about the world. Spider-Man and the heros arrive. He said that this explained a great puzzle: Doom was dead and his body dispersed during Secret Wars I, so how was Doom there to steal the Beyonder's power, and why didn't he and the Beyonder recognize him? What's Venom strongest form? - Thankfully, Owen Reece, a humble lab technician in New York, opens an interdimensional portal connecting The Beyond to Earth-616. They agreed enthusiastically, and he cured Jones' cancer, turned Clark back into Starshine, and erased the Dire Wraith from Adams' mind. Did the beyonders kill the living tribunal? Fantastic was eventually able to create a teleportation device to send all the heroes back home, thus ending the first Secret War. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The mystery of desire was still at the forefront of his mind: as an omnipotent being, he couldn't understand what it meant to want something and not be able to get it (ironically, the one thing he was unable to do was understand desire). The Beyonder then appeared, and gave her what she asked for, then left. During a meeting of the Illuminati, Professor Charles Xavier relates new facts about the Secret Wars. He called on various magical spirits, but none of them had the power to collect all the particles of his body, so he conjured the most powerful force in the universe, which turned out to be the Beyonder. The heroes were subdued, but even Captain America agreed that Reece had done what needed to be done. Boom Boom walked away in despair and set a huge time bomb, calling out to the Beyonder that she was going to kill herself; she said she had 10 points, and she won the contest of depression. He showed some power limitations in the season finally when it was shown that he was becoming powerless the longer he was outside his realm. Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! He turned invisible and followed Captain America as he left the fight scene. He was actually pleasantly surprised to see them there, despite being somewhat hesitant to accept their reality; at first he thought they might be creations of his own that he made himself forget in order to surprise himself. beyonder powers and abilities Within his universe the Beyonder was complete; indeed he was all of his reality. As everyone enters the kingdom they see that it is an ideal society, the planets inhabitants are at peace. Dracula offers his assistance in return for getting to kill more heroes. Madame Web comments on how Spider-Man has already led the heros into battle, and the Beyonder agrees that this is a good start, but he decides to see how everything ends. Strange found out what happened, and found him in a bar--one of the very ones he himself used to drink at after he had his accident and could no longer do surgery. All of the religions therein were warped around him and he was the center of it all. Powers and Abilities. [40], The Kyln was later attacked and destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. They first came to the attention of Earthlings when they commissioned the alien Nuwali race to create the Savage Land as part of their study of evolution.
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