Erza As the Brother and Sister poked their lightsabers through the apartment floor, the rebels fled into the hallway as Ezra struggled to calm the baby and decided to split up. This message's existence can only mean that the Sith won. Ezra was later woken up by Chopper, who slapped him out of unconsciousness. Ezra and the other rebels listened as AP-5 began to recount the incident before Zeb playfully muzzled him. He and Kanan used their Force powers to levitate the Temple open, causing it to reveal another entrance. Will Ezra embrace the Dark side and hunt down the ghost crew? Ezra chose Maul on Malachor, but he's still conflicted. Later, Ezra caught sight of the Hound's Tooth and met the bounty hunter Bossk, who hired him as a guide to Ake's Tavern. Ezra and Kanan attacked Kallus but the ISB agent managed to convince them that he was a Fulcrum operative by quoting the code-phrase "by the light of Lothal's moons". Noticing Hondo fleeing the salvage yard, Ezra contacted the pirate and jokingly asked him why he was leaving, realizing it was typical of the Weequay's behavior, to which Hondo replied he was making his quick escape, noting another successful adventure. In the series finale of Star Wars Rebels, Jedi Ezra Bridger sacrifices everything to liberate the planet of Lothal, bringing Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Empire and his Imperial I-class Star Destroyer into deep hyperspace. Unable to hold out anymore, the two rebels fled back to the Ghost on the magnetic cable system. With that done for them, the rebels fought their way back to the Ghost and took off, departing and escaping into hyperspace just as Kallus arrived in an Imperial light cruiser. Ezra then made his way back to his tower, with his prizes. Something is happening on Lothal, something that has to do with a strange Thalothian girl, a painting on the wall, a writer who only updates her story about once a month, and some old notes. Thrawn had been dispatched by Imperial High Command to investigate the high rate of defective vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory. By the time the arrived in Ryloth's atmosphere in the TIE bomber being carried by a Twilek rebel ship, the rebels detached and piloted towards the orbiting carrier as it dispatched a squadron of bombers down to the surface. The rebels agreed to assist Hondo and Azmorigan recovers their treasure in return for getting access to a shipment of proton bombs aboard the cargo ship. When Kanan asked Ezra to open the holocron, Ezra replied that he preferred to listen to him. The Rebels chased him through the streets to the road that led out of the city as he attempted to evade his pursuers. After Sabine along with Wedge and Hobbie escaped in a TIE Bomber, Ezra's ship flew into the planet's atmosphere and picked them up. Ezra was too distracted by the Purrgil to concentrate on the briefing and attempted to tell Hera that the Purrgil were interested in the gas, but the captain told him to focus on his mission. He was also quite athletic, thanks to his life on the streets, enabling him to use free-running and a skill akin to parkour to weave through obstacles quickly and efficiently. With Sabine's help, Ezra was able to activate a gateway leading into the temple. After receiving a transmission from Ryder about an improved TIE Defender, the Ghost crew managed to infiltrate the planets defenses with help from Vizago. So enjoy reading. While traveling, Ezra befriends the Old Master, who described himself as an enemy of the Inquisitors and their Sith masters. He was given the option to join their Rebellion, and learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi. By the end of the series, Ezra has the full gambit of Jedi abilities, which include enhanced jumping, running, and awareness, but also more specialized abilities like premonitions, force shields, enhanced telepathy, and even the Sith version of the Jedi mind trick, which is akin to full blown possession. ), leading into the upcoming Ahsoka series. Even if the Rebels come back for him, it might be too late. In the meantime, Ezra and his companions took the opportunity to fly aboard the Phantom, then rescued Ahsoka from an Imperial patrol and fled into hyperspace. While reviewing the nature of the situation, neither Ezra nor his fellow Ghost crew saw any chance of success except getting one of the ships instead of all three. After seeing a visage of Maul behind him, Ezra fainted and was tended to by Kanan and Zeb. Before he could execute Zeb, Ezra managed to reason with Kalani and convince him that the Clones and Separatists shared a common enemy in the form of the Empire; the successor to the Republic. However, the visitors turned out to be a group of Mandalorian Imperial Super Commandos led by the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, Gar Saxon. As the Sith Temple closed in on itself, Ezra and Kanan tried to reach Chopper and the Phantom but were held back by Vader. Part 3 of my Mustafar Ezra au! Kallus easily gained the upper hand, but Ezra saved Zeb by unacknowledged using the Force to throw Kallus far enough to knock him out. He was a skilled thief, able to pickpocket someone in plain sight without being noticed. Despite his friend's guilt and shame, Ezra encouraged Zeb to take this opportunity to protect his people again by helping Chava and Gron find Lirasan. By then, Phoenix Squadron had completed the evacuation of rebel sympathizers on Mykapo. Even if the Rebels come back for him, it might be too late. Heading to the Archeon Nebula, the group encountered an Imperial Light Cruiser and a ship that Ezra recognized with dread: the prototype of the TIE Defender, piloted by Vult Skerris. The mission proved problematic, with the captain Seevor proving an elusive and difficult prisoner. Since his blinding, Kanan had become very detached, distancing himself from both his friends and the Force. In a manner of minutes, the Phantom is gone. Barris. Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Fortunately for Ezra and the rebels, the Rebel Fleet arrived with Phoenix Home and the Ghost. Upon emerging, the Bendu expressed his pleasure that the balance between Ezra and his master had been restored but warned them that their true test had just begun. Hoping to make the galaxy a better place for him, his parents set up public broadcasting transmissions meant to speak out against the Empire's tyrannical rule, but their small rebellion would cost them their lives. Anakin took Ezra under his wing treat him li. preyna fluff fanfiction. Saw, determined to learn the truth behind the Empire's plans, was willing to destroy the ship and leave the passengers behind. This bought the crew time to escape aboard the Ghost with Ezra and Kanan helping the injured Lasat. Worried that they will find the Jedi inside, he asked Yoda how the Jedi could expect to win if they do not fight back. Per his temporary Inquisitor roommates request, Tristan is transferred to Nur alongside him. Upon landing, the boy and his companions inspected the monoliths, which were inscribed with writings in an ancient tongue. Upon arriving at the black market spaceport Nixus Hub 218, the two discovered that the buyer was Azmorigan, who was expecting Vizago instead and had them loaded into a loading dolly with the intention of firing them into space. Together, the two managed to free Zeb and Azmorigan. Eventually, he was able to open the Sith Holocron found on that planet, something that was thought to be possible only for one who could tap into the Dark Side through Sith teachings. Wolffe has acted on a mistaken belief that he was protecting his fellow clones from Imperial retribution, but Rex confronted him and convinced him that the rebels were their friends. Along with Zeb, Ezra was simply held responsible for leaving the Phantom with a leak yet expected more by Hera the next time the mistake nearly winds her and Sabine up as lunch. Ezra's outfit undergoes several alterations as the series progresses: After constructing his lightsaber, he no longer relies on his energy slingshot. The Grand Inquisitor only wants the young one alive. Holding her in a Force-grip, Maul urged Ezra to strike the Inquisitor. (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. As Ezra fled the city an Imperial TIE Fighter joined the chase destroying the speeder he was riding. Ongoing. He lost a friend, and made an enemy. Fortunately for Ezra and the other Ghost crew, they were quickly joined by the Phoenix, which was carrying the B-Wing on its back. Ezra's true master plan then came into play as a school of Purrgil-summoned by Mart through Ezra's guidance-destroyed the Imperial ships in orbit. As it turns out, neither has his former Padawan. "Sabine", sliding off his bed, Ezra makes his way to the Mandalorian's side and sits on her bed before taking her hand. Hera had made the decision to abandon Lothal. Ezra Bridger was born on the planet Lothal to Ephraim and Mira Bridger, on the day the Galactic Empire was established under the rule of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Ezra also seems to be more welcome to new people joining the Rebellion. During the journey, Ezra explained that going into the wilderness would allow them to avoid the distractions at Chopper Base. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? However, Yoda could see much anger and fear within him, which helped Ezra realize his true reason to become a Jedi, to protect not only his friends but everyone in the galaxy. While Kanan guided the clones in their AT-TE, Ezra used the walker's main cannon to destroy one of the AT-ATs with one blast to the neck. You cant entirely erase someone and expect them to still be an efficient war dog afterwards; something has to give. Upset and angry, he blamed Tseebo for everything and refused to listen to any more of what he had to say. Some fans have even speculated that Ezras prolonged solitude, and the causal relationship he has with the Dark Side, could lead to the characters status as a Sith in his upcoming appearances. Kanan informed Hera that the rebels had not found new proton bombs but had found a new transport for the Ghost. While one of the shuttles was shot down, the rebels' and Kalani's shuttles manage to reach space. He came out on the other side, found Kanan, and set him free. Im used to seeing ancient ones, cowardly Jedis pulled from their hideaways, but you youre a Padawan, a child I havent seen one of you in a long, long time. The Toy Maker mused. In the course of an hour, Ezra took the Trandoshan to his tower and tended to his wounds, before the bounty hunter woke up, "disguised" himself as a blind Trandoshan and almost immediately prompted the boy into leading him to a posting agency at the spaceport. Star wars fanfiction anakin broken ribs - He soon regrouped with them and escaped with his knowledge on the Wookiees. As the Ghost's auxiliary shuttle, the Phantom,came under attack by TIE fighters, the narrow brush of death led Ezra to ask Hera if he could drive but regretted by saying he wasn't ready when more TIEs came closing in. Hera ordered Ezra and his team to evacuate but Ezra insisted on finding Azmorigan and Zeb, who had not returned. Kanan can't do anything to save his Padawan from himself. After a brief verbal exchange, Ezra demanded that Titus release the magnetic locks. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Ezra seats Sabine on his lap and holds her close, raising a force barrier over the ship with all his strength. He also convinced a Loth-cat to attack a probe droid. Their efforts enabled the remnants of the Rebel Fleet to escape, and they made their way towards Yavin IV. He was soon attacked by the possessed Sabine, who told him that the spirits desired his body. Hera explained that during the Clone Wars, Cham fought alongside theJedito free Ryloth from the Separatists, but after theRepublicbecame the Empire and refused to leave, he started to fight them. In Star Wars Rebels, Maul's Influence Showed Ezra Bridger the Dark Side Ezra protested when Saw began rummaging through Klik-Klak's home. Still, he thought they would have at least a little tact and wait to ask, "yes; I do. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? Ezra and the other rebels boarded the Ghost and engaged Vader's TIE Fighter in a dogfight with Ezra manning the nose gun. However, a tentacle grabbed it and Ezra discovered that he had been rescued by the Purrgil King. The new location was not without problems, as the Rebels soon discovered it to be home to Krykna Spiders, who abducted Rex. After grabbing Rudor's helmet for his collection, Ezra quickly left the wreckage, while revealing his thievish intentions. The Ghost crew eventually received word about Hera and Sabine's failed mission to seek permission for safe passage through the Concord Dawn system from the system's Protectors. Maul drove off the Inquisitor and convinced the Jedi to split up so that they could delay their opponents. While Hondo's omission of these facts solidified Zeb's distrust of the pirate, Ezra insisted that they could still work with him. Lando was off-world at the time but his droid, W1-LE, was there to assist them. He then looks back to the man he was told died eighteen years ago, "Anakin Skywalker? They arrived to find the refugees being led out of a cargo container at gunpoint, and the Ghost crew immediately caught a glimpse of who they were: a Lasat warrior named Gron and Lasat shaman named Chava the Wise. Maul led a reluctant Ezra into a cave within the Nightsister Lair. Unfortunately, Rukh followed them in and sabotaged their efforts, at the same time that Thrawn returned and demanded Ezra's surrender. To Ezra's delight, Ryder joined in, saying that explosives would not be able to disable the gravity locks and offered his help in exchange for getting off of Lothal. An alternate of Episode IV: A New Hope, based on the crush Luke had on Leia before . There are several constants in the galaxy. Once inside the hangar, the three rebels found themselves under attack by several Droidekas. Having learned from Kanan's example, Ezra set himself to his next task, bidding his master a final farewell as he did so. Maul, having determined that Obi-Wan was on Tatooine but failing to locate him, used a fragment of one of the Holocrons to connect with the shattered databases and inform Ezra of the planet on which he was located. Kanan remains aloof and distrustful of the clones and recounts the Jedi Purge, which Rex explains that he and his fellow clones had removed their brain control chips, which allowed them to ignore Order 66. This encouragement helped the Lasat to overcome his guilt and participate in the ritual, where it was revealed that he was the child. In frustration, Ezra gave up only for Rex to expose Chopper and Sabine's prank. The crew of the Ghost are Jedi in this. Once there, Bossk sent Ezra to lure his prey, Gronson "Shifty" Takkaro, out; soon enough, however, a confrontation between Bossk and the assassins Angrigo and the Kratchell twins ensued, in which Ezra stunned Takkaro, and Bossk killed the assassins, only for Imperial authorities to surround them. Ezra, Kanan, and Rex waited outside the hangar bay while Kalani briefed them that their objective was to reach the command bridge. ", Closing his eyes, Ezra listens but hears no response; instead, he feels Sabine's arms wrap around him. Before he could corner the animal, it fled on the back of a speeder bike into the wilderness, but Ezra managed to plant a locator on the speeder before it disappeared. Escaping into hyperspace and back to the rebel fleet, the Ghost crew were pleased that they managed to get all three ships, and Ryder, now realizing that what Ezra's parents started had become even larger then he thought, agreed to join the rebellion for their son's sake. Ezra led the Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper on a mission to free Hondo, from the Imperial prison on the planet Naraka. They eventually found the Sith holocron inside a deep chamber inhabited by Krykna. Ezra rushed to find the brig and encountered Chopper. Back at Chopper Base, Hera reprimanded Ezra for disobeying his orders, endangering his team, and getting the Phantom destroyed. Ezra briefly fought with Vader but was overpowered by the Sith Lord, who destroyed his lightsaber. Pretty soon, the entire carrier was evacuated, and Sabine and Zeb had Numa and Gobi in custody after taking them out with a rigged mouse droid. Ezra tried to talk to Kanan and Sabine but his possessed friends attacked him and Maul. What happens when you have a padawan attracted to danger and power and one dominant sith lord.Or what happened during chapter 9 of Shadow Eminence. Ezra and his comrades eventually reached a dead-end only to be cornered by several battle droids and a Droideka. After Imperial reinforcements arrived from inside the prison, Ezra ordered his team to jump onto the Ghost's hull while it flew under the platform, allowing the group to escape the planet. Can the rebels make Ezra question his loyalty to the Inquisitors, or is he too engrossed by darkness to change? As planned, Ezra gave the device to Chopper, who then passed it Sabine and Zeb so that they could transmit the coordinates of the kyber crystal to Kanan and Hera, who managed to intercept and destroy the Imperial convoy transporting it. Zeb was despondent because he could not come along and had to stay behind with Chopper and AP-5. Ezra tells the other rebels that it is up to them and to remember that the Force will always be with them. Hearing the alarms baring on the Phantom, Ezra and Sabine immediately drop out of hyperspace only to see a giant black hole drawing them in; thinking fast, Sabine takes the ship's controls and does her best to turn it around Ezra doing his best to help with the force. Aware of a likely set-up by Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Lieutenant Herdringer, Bossk was forced to leave Takkaro and follow Ezra, and the two escaped from the Imperials on a speeder bike. Upon entering the Mykapo System, Ezra and his fellow rebels came to the aid of a YT-2400 Light Freighter that was under attack from TIE Fighters. Star wars rebels fanfiction ezra is a grey jedi. Ezra and Kanan commanded the Fyrnocks to attack the Troopers. This Old Master was actually the former Sith apprentice Maul, who had become stranded on Malachor several years earlier after his ship crashed. Additionally, he often used his quick-thinking to outwit his enemies, such as when he tricked Imperial officials into answering an emergency alarm he himself had issued with their comm-link. Maul then demanded that the two Jedi hand him the Sith holocron and Kanan Jarrus' holocron in return for the safety of their friends. Even though Ezra is learning the ways of the Dark Side, a part of him will still be light. Ahsoka makes an unexpected return from Malachor but just as she returns, Rebel cells across the galaxy are taking heavy fire from the Empire and Kanan can't help but wonder if Ahsoka is filling Vader and the rest of the Empire with knowledge of secret rebel bases. Ezra was separated from his companions, who pursued the Eighth Brother. The Zabrak has secrets that could hold the key to Ezra's future and the fate of the Rebellion. Ezra and the rest of the Ghost crew accompanied her to meet with Cham and two of his colleagues, Numa and Gobi Glie, and after an awkward welcoming, they moved to the mission briefing where Hera outlined her plan to steal the fighter carrier, which involved using a stolen TIE bomber to infiltrate the starship. Seconds later, the rebels discovered that the Phantom was being pursued by two Dismantler Droids, which inflicted damage on the ship. Shortly later, Ezra was attacked by the Eighth Brother who tried to obtain the Sith holocron. Chapter 1: Mission After crossing paths with most of the crew and infuriating almost all of them Ezra was able to save the captured rebels, along with himself, from the same Imperial prison, and in the process solidified his usefulness as a crew member. While Ezra was upset, he eventually complied with his master's orders with the Lasat. During the mission to Malachor, Ezra encountered the former Sith apprentice, Maul, who taught him the basic philosophy of the Sith and encouraged Ezra to use his anger to strengthen him. However, this activated the four other Sentry Droids which pursued the recovery team back to the cargo bay. One of the only known force-sensitives to wield a purple blade, The Indigo Assassin was a young, but respected mercenary, who used both sides of the force to overpower anything, and anyone in his way. Kanan Jarrus (born Caleb Dume) was a Jedi Knight and the Rebel leader of the Ghost crew. Throughout his childhood, Ezra would occasionally trigger "strange abilities", which allowed him to see into the future. Smiling, she leans up and kisses him. While Maul dealt with Kanan, Ezra was escorted by two repurposed Tour Guide Droids to the command center. His selflessness put him at odds with Maul, who failed to understand Ezra's loyalty to his friends. This ability would also help the young Jedi navigate a tricky alliance with the unhinged Darth Maul, who was so impressed by Ezras force abilities he attempted to claim the young Jedi as an apprentice. He took up smuggling and hid his lightsaber trying to hide his past permenantly. After training for several years with Kanan, supplemented by training with Ahsoka and Maul, Ezras powers only continued to grow. Later, Ezra was contacted Hondo, who solicited the rebels' assistance in recovering cargo from a stranded Imperial Cargo Ship in the upper atmosphere of the stormy planet of Wynkahthu. Judging Sabine's skills to be wanting, Kanan instructed Sabine to practice with Ezra. He was then kicked out by Kanan upon his return, and the crew's astromech droid Chopper kept watch over the boy to ensure that he didn't pull any reckless tricks. Realizing the prophecy could be true, the rebels plotted a course beyond the Outer Rim. Using the locator, he, Kanan, and Chopper tracked the speeder bike and the loth-cat to a cluster of large hives outside Capital City, where they were held at gunpoint by a hooded man whom Ezra recognizes as Prisoner X-10. Sabine, howevermanaged to pinpoint where the fighters originated from, and to both her and Heras surprise, it was where the Purrgil were heading. Ezra was fidgeting with a communications link he had recently stolen from a Storm Trooper. They tried to steal some, but both got caught and made a run for it. Ezra's conversation with him was interrupted by the arrival of the Inquisitors, who used their powers to force the temple open. (Will be continued). However, they were unaware that they were stumbling into a trap until Zeb sensed it. Ezra has a bad feeling about this and disapproves the presence of the new rebel. Ezra Bridger (codename Spectre 6) was a young Force -sensitive human street urchin living on the streets of the Imperial-controlled planet Lothal 's Capital City trying to survive by crime until he was taken in by Kanan Jarrus, becoming his Jedi apprentice and a part of the Ghost crew 's Rebellion against the Empire . Together with Ahsoka, Kanan, and Chopper, Ezra traveled on the Phantom to Malachor. Leia, however, motivated the crew by saying how they could get them, and a plan to get all three ships began to form. Ezra managed to bluff his way past the Imperial sentries by posing as a Scout Trooper taking a captured rebel into Imperial custody. Then, while taking off in the second corvette with Sabine and Chopper, the boy bade farewell to Leia and was directed to stun her with his lightsaber blaster to avoid suspicion. Fleeing into an apartment block, he contacted Ezra and Kanan, who traveled rejoin their companion only for Ezra to discover one of the Sister's seeker droids hovering at the entrance. They tried to escape through the front door but found it blocked by Stormtrooper sentries. He noted that she seemed to be a loner because she usually handled her missions alone, stayed in her room a lot and ate alone. Inside the turbolift, the rebels encountered Kallus, who quickly recognized them. However, he placed too much faith in the vision and was shocked to find Trayvis had been an imperial agent routing out rebels. This surprised the boy, but Yoda counseled him that it was a lifelong challenge to prevent fear from bending into anger. Depa Billabas padawans padawan, a child plucked from nowhere, and made into something, a rebel fighter, who refused to give in to the dark, even with his master dead on the floor Its very symbolic of you, jedi-like and blinded by so called goodness, for you to be here, still alive, despite appearing as only hanging parts. He knows he can't outlast a black hole, but he wants this moment to last as long as he can make it. He seems to have a stronger Force Sense then Kanan as he felt Vader's presence while still in orbit, while Kanan didn't feel it until Vader was near them, although, in that instance, Kanan appeared to sense Vader before Ezra. Ezra vowed that they'll the child safe. Maxwell Lord I feel like each part is getting smaller and smaller (because it is), but I love this idea too much to not write more. Ezra succeeded in leaving the system after Commander Sato sacrificed himself and Phoenix Nest to destroy one of Thrawn's Interdictor Cruisers, only to find that Mon Mothma couldn't send any reinforcements to their aid for fear of walking into Thrawn's trap. Because there would no way he would do this, had he been in the right mind. Fortunately, Ryder and a handful of rebels-including Ezra's old friend Jai Kell-continued to resist the occupation. After visiting Malachor, Ezra began to delve more into the Dark Side, using it both to access the Malachor Sith Temple and then in combat with the Seventh Sister. In the process, they lost several of the poison canisters they had carried away as evidence. After using one to save Ahsoka from her confrontation with Darth Vader, Ezra saw the potential to rescue Kanan as well. left kudos on this work. Hope you like it. Now with his species supposedly wiped clean from the galaxy, Ezra has to hide his extra body parts from everyone, including his own crew which he trusts with his life.But with the Empire hot on the crews trail will Ezra be able to keep h OLD STORY Can the rebels make Ezra question his loyalty to the Inquisitors, or is he too engrossed by darkness to change? Ezra experienced a vision of twin suns while Maul realized that his old enemy Obi-Wan Kenobi was alive. . He then sealed the temple, which sank beneath the ground as the rebels made their escape. But Hera didn't believe them; Purrgil endangered hyperspace travel by colliding into starships. The two look at Anakin as the Holocron closes and returns to the bench. However, the Inquisitors had by that stage pinpointed his location and attempted to flush him out with their lightsabers, but Kanan and Zeb stopped them before they could finish their work. It all started on the first day of summera simple rose and note was placed on the welcome mat. Agent Kallus arrived with three AT-AT walkers, which outgunned and outnumbered the clone's lone AT-TE. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Usually an unexpected one, He must have snapped. Sometime after meeting the crew of the Ghost, Ezra became a bit more trusting. While listening to Hera affirm her love for her father, Kanan, and her crew, Zeb gave Ezra a noogie. "Ezra? Upon arrival, Ezra spotted smoke coming from Tarkintown and took off on a speeder bike to check it out, with Kanan following from afar. The rebels found themselves trapped between Imperial forces on both sides. He smiled softly as Hera approached him, her hands resting on her swollen belly. After hours of waiting, Ezra began to loose patience until the Lasat finally returned, having discovered that the planet was the original Lasat homeworld and that it was already home to millions of Lasat. Kanan also instructed Ahsoka to help Ezra. When Hera didn't return and Kanan suggested to use the Ghost to transport the supplies, an alarmed Ezra advised against it, knowing that it would make the Ghost an easy target for the Empire. Changing their plans, Kanan ordered him to man the gun emplacement to cover him and Sabine while they secured the landing zone. The relay mission was ruined with the arrival of Marauder, whose commanding officer Brom Titus Ezra unwittingly attempted to impersonate in order to ward them off. After Rex suggested that the Y-Wings would be good starfighters for the Rebellion, Ezra advocated going ahead with a recovery mission. Unhappy with Ezra's fraternization with Hondo, Hera assigned Zeb leadership of the recovery team. She showed Ezra a holographic recording of her master Anakin Skywalker, who was exceptionally skilled in lightsaber combat. So, Hera gave Trayvis a blaster to defend himself, but he revealed himself to be an agent of the Empire who identifies rebels and sympathizers so they could be killedwith their deaths looking like accidents.
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